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[交流] Recruitment of graduate student, postdoctor by Xinfeng WANG, Shandong University


Recruitments of PhD students, master students, and postdoctors by Xinfeng WANG’s Group in Shandong University, China

1. Introduction of the Group
Xinfeng WANG works as an Associate Professor and a PhD Supervisor in Environment Research Institute, Shandong University (SDU) in Qingdao, China. He is in charge of some national projects including General Project, Young Foundation, sub-project of Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Program of China. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed academic papers up to the end of 2018. His Group mainly conducts researches on measurement techniques of atmospheric particulate matters, field observations, and laboratory simulations and at present focuses on determination methods, pollution characteristics, emission factors, formation and conversion, environmental impacts of organic aerosols and nitrogen-containing organic compounds. The Group has five PhD and master students and one research assistant now and possesses good platforms for sampling, analysis, and measurement of atmospheric particulate matters. His Group keeps good corporation relationship with many research groups at home and abroad.

2. Introduction of the Postgraduate Program
Xinfeng WANG’s Group recruits PhD students with the major of Environmental Science and master students with the major of Environmental Science and Engineering. Applicants should have some basic knowledge on environment science, atmospheric chemistry, or geochemistry.
Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good physical and mental health, aged 18 or above and possess a valid foreign passport. Applicants for a doctoral degree programs should be under the age of 40 and must hold a master's degree or above. Applicants for a master’s degree programs should be under the age of 35 and must hold a bachelor's degree or above. Those who have not graduated yet must submit an expected graduation certificate / document certified by their current institution. Original graduation certificate is required when admitted to SDU.
Applicants must apply via the SDU Online Application System for International Students at http://www.apply.sdu.edu.cn. Chinese Government Scholarship applicants have to complete an additional online application at http://www.campuschina.org and one paper-based application.
More information can be seen at the websites of Shandong University: http://www.istudy.sdu.edu.cn, http://www.istudy.sdu.edu.cn/en/ ... ow&id=1807.

3. Introduction of the Postdoctoral Rescruitment
Xinfeng WANG’s Group recruits postdoctors who are under 35 and obtain a PhD degree in the major of Environmental Science and Engineering, Atmospheric Science, or Geochemistry. Applicants should have research experiences on measurements, sampling, analysis, or laboratory simulations of atmospheric particulate matters and have published at least one SCI article. The SDU and the Qingdao City provide attractive treatment including salary, accommodation, and child education. The Group provides research findings and additional supports.

4. Contact information
Anyone who is interested to study as a PhD student or a master student, or is interested to work as a postdoctor in the Xinfeng WANG’s Group in Shandong University in Qingdao, China, please send the C.V. and related documents to the email address xinfengwang@sdu.edu.cn.

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