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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 法国巴黎Paristech招材料博士生

我目前是一名博士生 就读于法国巴黎ENSAM 在这里发帖是为了帮我认识的一个很好的老师G. Miquelard-Garnier 也是我以前的实习导师 招CSC的博士学生 如果大家想申请CSC出国读博士 可以看一下我老师的这个主题 学校是法国最出名的工程师学校ENSAM 我个人觉得主题也很有趣 最重要的是老师人非常好 认真负责 另外在法国读博士期限是三年 基本没有什么延迟毕业的问题 我传上这个博士的主题介绍 鼓励想申请CSC的同学们申请这个主题 地点就在法国巴黎 很好的一个地方 在这里已经有很多中国的CSC博士 如果大家有问题可以加我微信交流 需要的人请留言
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新虫 (初入文坛)

24楼2018-12-20 12:12:12
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新虫 (初入文坛)

Research Topic for the ParisTech/CSC PhD Program
*Field (cf. List of fields below): Materials Science, Mechanics, Fluids
Subfield: Polymer Science (ideally, more physics and engineering than chemistry oriented)
Title: Dewetting dynamics of a polymer thin film embedded in an immiscible polymer matrix
ParisTech School: ENSAM
Advisor(s) Name: G. Miquelard-Garnier & C. Sollogoub

Advisor(s) Email: guillaume.miquelardgarnier@lecnam.net; cyrille.sollogoub@lecnam.net

(Lab, website): Laboratoire PIMM http://pimm.ensam.eu/; http://pimm.ensam.eu/en/user/156

Short description of possible research topics for a PhD: When a glassy thin polymer film is placed on top of a substrate with which it has no affinity and heated above its glass transition temperature, it will spontaneously dewet. Both nucleation mechanisms and dewetting kinetics have been widely studied over the last 25 years.
We recently developed in the lab an experiment where the thin film is actually embedded in two thicker layers of an immiscible matrix. We showed that the dynamics is different from the simpler case described previously. Notably, the viscous dissipation occurs in the surrounding matrix and extends over distances several order of magnitude higher than the film thickness.

In the proposed research we would like to further explore this system under many aspects, such as the asymmetric case where the outer layers have different thicknesses. The role of the interfacial tension will also be thoroughly characterized with the use of well-defined copolymers placed at the interfaces. Finally, the finite-size effect which plays a role in the viscous dissipation balancing the capillary forces in our model will be investigated.

This study shall lead to a better knowledge of the dewetting dynamics of polymeric multilayer systems, which is of interest for applications in both thermoplastics processing but also for microfluidics. This work is part of an-going and successful collaboration with academic and industrial partners.

Required background of the student: Polymer Science or Soft Matter Physics or Fluid Mechanics
A list of 5(max.) representative publications of the group:
[1] Y. Zhu, A. Bironeau, F. Restagno, C. Sollogoub, G. Miquelard-Garnier, Polymer, 2016, 90, 156
[2] M. Chebil, J.D. McGraw, T. Salez, C. Sollogoub, G. Miquelard-Garnier, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 6256
[3] A. Bironeau, T. Salez, G. Miquelard-Garnier, C. Sollogoub, Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 4064
[4] G. Miquelard-Garnier, S. Roland, European Polymer Journal, 2016, 84, 111
[5] J. Feng, Z. Zhang, A. Bironeau, A. Guinault, G. Miquelard-Garnier, C. Sollogoub, A. Olah, E. Baer, Polymer, 2018, 143,
3楼2018-11-15 17:29:15
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新虫 (初入文坛)

各位同学们 我得再次强调一下这个博士项目是CSC项目 所以所有感兴趣的同学们一定要通过CSC流程来申请的 在这里我是鼓励想申请CSC出国留学的同学们选择这个主题 因为学校很好 老师很好 主题也很好 如果你们有任何疑问可以在帖子底下留言 我会查看 如果感兴趣 我们也可以打电话 请大家参看CSC PARISTECH的网站 进行申请https://www.paristech.fr/en/international/china/permanent-office-china
5楼2018-11-15 18:40:56
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禁虫 (正式写手)


8楼2018-11-15 21:17:59
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