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金虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 休斯顿大学生物医学工程系招收博士生或访问学生

(1) Biosensor;
(2) Drug delivery;
(3) Discovery of biomarker of diseases;
(4) Protein/DNA array fabrication.

Professor Wu has the following research focus: (1) Design and fabrication of novel detection systems for disease diagnostics, this includes protein separation systems, protein chips, nanomaterial-based fluorescent/NIR probes, and surface chemistry for protein binding. The goal is to tackle the existing technological challenges in effective detection of low-abundant proteins and post-translational modified proteins in complex biological samples, especially when these proteins are critical in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. The development of these novel technologies will aid in high-throughput discovery of early biomarkers, non-invasive biomarkers and therapeutic targets for chronic diseases (Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus nephritis, Diabetic nephropathy, Psoriasis, Melanoma etc). In addition, the development of polymer nanofiber based biosensors for biomarker detection has also become of our research interest. (2) Development of versatile and biocompatible nanomaterials for drug delivery to improve bioavailability, effective targeting and controlled release of drugs for chronic diseases. This includes prodrugs and combinatory medicine---the combination of thermotherapy/drug/gene therapy. The goal is to tackle the problems of drug resistance and side-effects commonly seen in today’s medicine for chronic diseases.



感兴趣的学生或访问学生, 欢迎联系Prof. Tianfu Wu: twu13@central.uh.edu


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新虫 (小有名气)

283940595(金币+1): 谢谢参与
45楼2018-10-12 00:03:08
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