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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院俞璟招收博士研究生 (2019年1月入学)

新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院俞璟招收博士研究生  (2019年1月入学)
Prof Yu Jing’s group in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University is looking for one PhD candidate for Spring 2019 semester intake (2019年1月入学)
Interested applicants please send your application to yujing@ntu.edu.sg

http://www.mse.ntu.edu.sg/Progra ... n-Requirements.aspx
Applicants from universities in China must have an average grade of 80 or above for the relevant Bachelor’s degree.
All applicants from overseas universities must provide GRE and TOEFL scores.
GRE requirements (validity of 5 years from date of application):
Minimum GRE Verbal Reasoning Measure (V) and Quantitative Reasoning Measure (Q) scores must be equivalent to or more than 153 for each category. V + Q equivalent to or more than 319.
Minimum GRE Analytical Writing Measure score (AW) must be equivalent to or more than 3.5.

GATE requirements (validity of 2 years from date of application):
Minimum GATE percentile score must be equivalent to or more than 90%.

TOEFL requirements (validity of 2 years from date of application):
Minimum TOEFL score must be equivalent to or more than:
600 for paper-based test
250 for computer-based test
100 for internet-based test
http://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/gra ... rchScholarship.aspx

Introduction to Dr. Yu Jing (俞璟)
Dr. Yu Jing is an Assistant Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a PhD in Chemical Engineering (2012). His PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Jacob Israelachvili focused on the nanomechanics of biomaterials and biomimetics. Following his PhD, Dr. Yu did a postdoc with Prof. James Heath at California Institute of Technology, where he worked on engineered T cell immunotherapy. In 2014, Dr. Yu expanded his research interests towards polyelectrolytes brushes during his postdoc with Prof. Matthew Tirrell at the University of Chicago.
The overall goal of Dr. Yu Jing’s research is to characterize the dynamic properties of interfaces with hierarchical structures, and to gain molecular-level control of soft interfaces to enable design of integrated, multifunctional interfaces. His work has appeared in various top journals, including  Science, Nature Chemical Biology, Science Advances, PNAS, JACS, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and Macromolecules.

博后或者学生都可以申请,请将简历 (CV) 发至:yujing@ntu.edu.sg

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铁杆木虫 (文学泰斗)

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141楼2018-07-26 07:00:04
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