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[交流] Tissue Engineering postdoc at SUNY Buffalo, 纽约州立大学-布法罗已有1人参与

Postdoctoral Fellow and PhD opening in Advanced 3D Tissue Engineering at SUNY Buffalo, United States

One postdoctoral or PhD position will be available in Fall 2018 in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY-UB). UB School of Engineering is one of the top 60 engineering schools in the US. PI’s Lab is committed to high-impact research and has published in Advanced Materials, Biomaterials and Nature Communications in the past couple years. The research area will focus on using microfabrication techniques to create novel 3D tissue culture models for disease modeling and drug screening. Other areas in the lab also include 3D bioprinting and advanced biofabrication for tissue engineering. Research topics and recent publications can be found on our website at http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~rgzhao/index.html

Successful candidates shall have experience in microfabrication including photolithography and PDMS soft lithography, cell culture and mechanobiology. Highly motivated and self-driven candidates with experience in at least two of the above areas are encouraged to apply. Candidates with 3D bioprinting and other tissue engineering backgrounds are also encouraged to apply. Salary for suitably qualified applicants is competitive and commensurate with experience (postdoc USD 40K+/year, PhD USD 24k/year). This position is supported by the National Institute of Health of US.  The Biomedical Engineering department is a joint department between the School of Engineering and the School of Medicine and Biological Science at UB.

纽约州立大学-水牛城(布法罗)大学生物工程系现有一博士或博后岗位空缺2018年秋季开始。布法罗大学工程学院是全美前60的工程学院。Dr. Zhao实验室致力于高影响力研究,近年文章陆续发表在Advanced Materials, Biomaterials and Nature Communications。实验室研究集中在开发先进生物制造技术,例如3D 生物打印和器官芯片, 用于组织和器官工程,疾病模型,新药检测等领域。合适候选人会给予同领域中具有竞争力的薪酬水平(postdoc USD 40K+/year, PhD USD 24k/year)。
请查阅实验室网站    http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~rgzhao/index.html

If interested, please send your CV and a brief cover letter to Dr. Ruogang Zhao at rgzhao@buffalo.edu. Thank you.
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