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禁虫 (文学泰斗)

[资源] 【化学经典书籍】《Intermolecular and Surface Forces》(第3版)【已搜无重复】

【化学经典书籍】《Intermolecular and Surface Forces_Revised 3rd Edition_2011》(英文版)【已搜无重复】

作者:Jacob N. Israelachvili
出版社:Academic Press
出版时间:2011 (第3版之后的修订版)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0123919274
ISBN-13: 978-0123919274
页码:706 页
文件大小:11.6 MB
Intermolecular and Surface Forces describes the role of various intermolecular and interparticle forces in determining the properties of simple systems such as gases, liquids and solids, with a special focus on more complex colloidal, polymeric and biological systems. The book provides a thorough foundation in theories and concepts of intermolecular forces, allowing researchers and students to recognize which forces are important in any particular system, as well as how to control these forces. This third edition is expanded into three sections and contains five new chapters over the previous edition.

Starts from the basics and builds up to more complex systems
Covers all aspects of intermolecular and interparticle forces both at the fundamental and applied levels
Multidisciplinary approach: bringing together and unifying phenomena from different fields
This new edition has an expanded Part III and new chapters on non-equilibrium (dynamic) interactions, and tribology (friction forces)


.【化学经典书籍】《Intermolecular and Surface Forces》(第3版)【已搜无重复】

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : Intermolecular_and_Surface_Forces_Revised_3rd_Edition_2011.pdf
  • 2018-03-17 09:25:01, 11.66 M

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