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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] I need a balance between reality and dream

Several days ago, I uploaded a post to find a boyfriend.  I have to admit that I really gathered a lot of courage to do so because it's the second
time for me to do so. To my surprise, many cyber pals gave me many genuine blessings and more and more people are reading my post and
encourge me to find my soulmate. I'm not sure whether I can find an ideal boyfriend or not, but I have felt the kindness and  warmth from the
bottom of my heart. What I'm thinking about and What I'm eager to do are appreciated by those who read my words, which make me pleased
to share more. Many people have told me that I have expressed what they want to say in their mind. I think there is something energetic and
positive in our soul, but the quick pace of modern life has shortened our time to find and develop it. What a pity. After I read some private
letters, I can strogly smell the anxiety and disappointment of life. I can hardly believe those letters are written by the young men who are in their
20s or 30s because most of them seem to be negtive and dissatisfied with their present situations. When a society is full of depressed young
men, I can't find the meaning of a highly developed society. A new year is another chance to start. Every minute is filled with hope. This year
I will begin my journey to find a boyfriend and improve my learning capabilities. No matter how the world is changing, I will still follow my inner
voice and stick to my own principles.
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)

20楼2018-03-01 13:35:22
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