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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 美国内布拉斯加大学非转录小RNA 和肠道菌群与代谢疾病方向招聘联培/CSC博士/访问学者

美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校营养与健康系( University of Nebraska-Lincoln,USA) 招聘联培/CSC博士/访问学者

苏老师实验室的研究方: 1)非转录RNA 和肠道菌群在糖/脂代谢与胰岛抵抗的发病机制;2)脂蛋白代谢和肠道菌群在肠炎疾病的发病机制。实验室设备齐全,每个实验室成员都有独立研究课题。实验室有很成功的联培/访问学者先例。希望有兴趣、背景相关、并踏实努力的同学,老师和出国进修的医生与苏老师联系 (Email:qsu2@unl.edu or sulan66@hotmail.com)。此信息长期有效。

Su Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA): An important goal of Su laboratory is to investigate the associations between metabolic inflammation, lipid/lipoprotein metabolism microRNA physiology and the molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic syndrome, such as obesity and diabetes.

Su lab's research program concerns three main areas:

(1) The association between non-coding microRNAs induced by lipogenic diets and insulin resistance.
(2) The mechanisms underlie the aberrant activation of hepatic de novo lipogenesis in insulin resistant animal models, including the transcription factors liver X receptor and MicroRNAs and the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) metabolism.
(3) The interaction between gut bacteria and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Visiting scholars and exchange students in Su lab will receive a broad and comprehensive training to discover novel links between nutrient signaling, lipid/lipoprotein metabolisms in the onset of chronic metabolic disorders.

Each scholar/trainee will have an independent project. Su lab has successful experience with visiting scholars and exchange students. For instance, a visiting professor published two first author articles and two co-author papers (Impact factors 6.6) in 18 months. An exchange graduate student published two first-author and a co-author papers in 19 months.  

1.  Relevant academic background in nutritional metabolism and metabolic diseases
2.  Laboratory experience with molecular techniques and cell culture experiments
3.  Motivated and willing to learn new topics at a fast pace
4.  Collaborative with other team members
5.  Preference will be given to scholars who have research experience on microRNA/IBD/gut microbiota study and publications

How to apply:  Please send your curriculum vita to qsu2@unl.edu or sulan66@hotmail.com if you are interested in our research.

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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

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25楼2018-02-23 15:25:55
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