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[交流] Plotkin's Vaccines (Seventh Edition) 疫苗的圣经 (非资源)已有6人参与

Plotkin's Vaccines (Seventh Edition) 疫苗的圣经 (非资源)
Plotkin's Vaccines (Seventh Edition)
From the development of each vaccine to its use in reducing disease, Plotkin’s Vaccines, 7th Edition, provides the expert information you need to provide optimal care to your patients. This award-winning text offers a complete understanding of each disease, as well as the latest knowledge of both existing vaccines and those currently in research and development. Described by Bill Gates as "an indispensable guide to the enhancement of the well-being of our world," Plotkin’s Vaccines is a must-have reference for current, authoritative information in this fast-moving field.
全部内容包括 5章84节 具体如下,希望权限的朋友可以下载分享一下:
Section 1: General Aspects of Vaccination
Section 2: Licensed Vaccines and Vaccines in Development
Section 3: New Technologies
Section 4: Vaccination of Special Groups
Section 5: Public Health and Regulatory Issues
01 - A Short History of Vaccination
02 - Vaccine Immunology
03 - Correlates of Protection
04 - The Vaccine Industry
05 - Vaccine Manufacturing
06 - Evolution of Adjuvants Across the Centuries
07 - Vaccine Additives and Manufacturing Residuals in Vaccines Licensed in the United States
08 - Passive Immunization
09 - General Immunization Practices
10 - Adenovirus Vaccines
11 - Anthrax Vaccines*
12 - Biodefense and Special Pathogen Vaccines
13 - Cancer Vaccines
14 - Cholera Vaccines
15 - Combination Vaccines
16 - Cytomegalovirus Vaccines
17 - Dengue Vaccines
18 - Diarrhea Caused by Bacteria
19 - Diphtheria Toxoid
20 - Ebola Vaccines
21 - Enterovirus 71
22 - Epstein-Barr Virus Vaccines
23 - Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccines
24 - Hepatitis A Vaccines
25 - Hepatitis B Vaccines
26 - Hepatitis C Vaccines
27 - Hepatitis E Vaccines
28 - Herpes Simplex Virus Vaccines
29 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccines
30 - Human Papillomavirus Vaccines
31 - Inactivated Influenza Vaccines
32 - Influenza Vaccine—Live
33 - Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines
34 - Lyme Disease Vaccines
35 - Malaria Vaccines
36 - Maternal Immunization
37 - Measles Vaccines
38 - Meningococcal Capsular Group A, C, W, and Y Conjugate Vaccines
39 - Meningococcal Capsular Group B Vaccines
40 - Mumps Vaccines
41 - Noninfectious Disease Vaccines
42 - Norovirus Vaccines
43 - Parasitic Disease Vaccines
44 - Pertussis Vaccines
45 - Plague Vaccines
46 - Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Pneumococcal Common Protein Vaccines
47 - Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccines
48 - Poliovirus Vaccine–Inactivated
49 - Poliovirus Vaccine–Live
50 - Rabies Vaccines
51 - Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines
52 - Rotavirus Vaccines
53 - Rubella Vaccines
54 - Smallpox and Vaccinia
55 - Staphylococcus aureus Vaccines
56 - Streptococcus Group A Vaccines
57 - Streptococcus Group B Vaccines
58 - Tetanus Toxoid
59 - Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccines
60 - Tuberculosis Vaccines
61 - Typhoid Fever Vaccines
62 - Varicella Vaccines
63 - Yellow Fever Vaccines
64 - Zika Virus
65 - Zoster Vaccines
66 - Technologies for Making New Vaccines
67 - Development of Gene-Based Vectors for Immunization
68 - Technologies to Improve Immunization
69 - Vaccination of Immunocompromised Hosts
70 - Vaccination of Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Infected Persons
71 - Vaccines for International Travel
72 - Vaccines for Healthcare Personnel
73 - Immunization in the United States
74 - Immunization in Europe
75 - Immunization in the Asia-Pacific Region
76 - Immunization in Developing Countries
77 - Community Protection
78 - Economic Analyses of Vaccine Policies
79 - Regulation and Testing of Vaccines
80 - Regulation of Vaccines in Europe
81 - Regulation of Vaccines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
82 - Vaccine Safety
83 - Legal Issues
84 - Ethics
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4楼: Originally posted by 新星加油 at 2023-02-28 14:02:14

5楼2023-03-01 19:46:47
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