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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] Some emotional ideas

Today I wandered on this board several times and tried to find some interesting souls. To be honest, there are quite many highly educated guys
here. But after a few chats, I found that if I want to find a boyfriend here, I have  to devote a lot of energy to choose  a reliable one. Some of
them just want to find a girl who can help with perfecting their paper.(Shall we think about what we can do for others?) Some just say we are in
different places and we don't have a future after having a free chat with  me. Internet provides us a broad view of a bigger world and various
kinds of people to know. We seem to have more choices and possibilities. However, the truth is, we have to open our eyes wide to tell whcih is
right and true. We spend more time finding clues to demonstrate what others say. It's time and energy consuming. Why do we use our
prescious time to waste on something meaningless? A few months ago, I have uploaded a post on this forum and expected to find an
intertesing boyfriend. But I received a lot of boring responses. Some guys are not bad. But I failed for some reason. I left this forum for a period,
but now I'm back. Wonderful things are worthy of waiting and I have to prepare enough patience for it. Just as the popular saying goes: You
will finally meet your Mr Right after meeting some Mr wrongs. Now what I need to do is to change my state of mind and make me a better me.
I have a belief in my mind: If you are good enough and you are finding the one, the one will finally come to you. I'm waiting an interesting
soul here. Wish you all the best.

[ Last edited by 闲吟居士 on 2018-2-28 at 21:49 ]

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新虫 (小有名气)

My soul is interesting,but my english is poor!
10楼2018-02-24 14:17:21
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