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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] How to be a patient girl?

I don't know why I'm becoming a more  and more impatient girl. My mother often scolds me these days for I talk with my family with
anger and impatience. I have neglected to observe my emotions for a long time. Sometimes I argue and quarrel furiouly with my parents.
Even a trivial thing may drive me nuts.Am I not satisfactory with my present situation? But my families are not responsible for my bad mood.
They are quite curious about my job and my date, therefore, they often ask me about how they are going. I'm unwilling to talk about these
ambiguous matters before I can surely know my feelings. I feel I have no my own space to deal with my life and I hope I can handle these
things on my own. But they never know I will talk when I need a talk. I often joke with my mother that I'm in climacteric period and ask her
to leave me alone. I am conscious enough to take control of my mood and I realize that I have to adjust myself to a positive and active channel.
I'm supposed to accept the impatient part of me. This is the imperfect me. I guess some naughty hormones in my body are so troublesome
that they want to challenge my reasoning ability. I have confidence to overcome them. I'm trying to be soft to love all those around me.

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新虫 (初入文坛)

relax,  you will  be fine.
18楼2018-02-10 10:01:24
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