24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] Go back home已有18人参与

I quitted my job in Shenzhen last May. I taught in a public primary school and  I performed well in the past three years. All the relatives are
very proud of me because I can get a decent job and get a satisfactory salary. However,  the pain and the anxiety I suffered can hardly been
understood. They felt sorry for me and thought I was a silly girl. But I don't regret having made such a decision. Staying far away from home
really makes me homesick, specially when I'm sick with no relatives or friends around. I've experienced cough with tears all the dark night and
go to the hospital with a dizzy head. I feel I'm the most miserable girl in the world. Why do I still work in a high-paced society and consume
my life and energy? When I got my master's degree, I have dreamed of a colorful life in a super city and a happy experience in a famous
enterprise or school. After I had a bad cold, I've realized the importance of health and family. I noticed that if I spent time acompanying
my parents or teaching in my pace, I will enjoy more
happiness. To some degree,  my character and attitudes towards life have changed and i want to pursue another lifestyle.
    I am impatient to grow with the big city and I have been tired of being solitary. I returened home, a small city that I ever complained about
its education, transportation and public welfare. This winter is a cold one and I'm tring to accustom it. The freezing cold weather seems to
remind me of the cruelty of the reality and encourage me to explore my new life. Anyway, I'm on the way and I will keep going.

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木虫 (职业作家)

2楼: Originally posted by maojingxin at 2018-02-08 00:17:10
流水账日记。不过你不sily girl

I'm trying to work harder to make it better.

3楼2018-02-08 09:03:33
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木虫 (职业作家)

4楼: Originally posted by visiter123 at 2018-02-08 11:47:46


5楼2018-02-08 11:50:07
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木虫 (职业作家)

13楼: Originally posted by geodesypla at 2018-02-24 08:00:01
Go back home是错误的表达,应该是go home


14楼2018-02-24 08:03:01
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木虫 (职业作家)

15楼: Originally posted by wk_leung at 2018-02-24 09:02:20
I guess you taught English. Your English is okay, yes just okay, for a teacher of English. No intention of offending, but I noticed quite a number of mistakes, obvious ones, in your post. I wonder wh ...

I taught in an elementary school.I can handle it.I just use this platform to practice English.I need more friends like you to encourage me.Thank you for your advice.

16楼2018-02-24 09:06:21
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木虫 (职业作家)

17楼: Originally posted by wk_leung at 2018-02-24 09:14:12
I thought you were trying to show off your English, and I got it wrong. Terribly sorry for that....

It does't matter.I have nothing special to show off.Keep learning and practising.

18楼2018-02-24 09:26:08
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