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[求助] 投稿 fibers and polymers已有1人参与

各位大神们,在投稿fibers and polymers的时候,总是说我的引用文献格式不正确不能开始评审,大家帮我看看,哪里的格式不正确了,急!急!急!呀!
The manuscript cannot start the review process until the following corrections are made to meet the journal's requirements (see Instructions for authors, as well):

*> please make sure that the journal titles/names in journal citations in the reference list are properly abbreviated (e.g. Fiber. Polym., J. Mater. Chem., J. Appl. Polym. Sci.)
下面是我的文章的参考文献:Dai, Z., Zhang, B., Shi, F,. Chemical interaction between carbon fibers and  
   surface sizing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124, 2127-2132 (2012).
2  Min-Kang Seo, Soo-Jin Park. Surface characteristics of carbon fibers modified by
   direct oxyfluorination. Journal of colloid and interface science ,330,
   237-242 (2009).
3  Zhaogui Zhang. The organic compounds of silicon. Beijing, China: Chemical
   industry press (2010).
4  Hongxia Yan,  Guozheng Liang,  Xiaoyan Ma. Contains an activation cyano
   macromolecular coupling agent and its preparation method: China
5  Sônia Marlí Bohrz Nachtigall. Macromolecular coupling agents for flame  
   retardant materials. European Polymer Journal, 42, 990-999 (2006).
6  Masaharu Yamamoto. New macromolecular silane coupling agents synthesized by
   living anionic polymerization; grafting of these polymers onto inorganic particles  
   and metals. Journal of Progress in Organic Coatings, 27, 277-285 (1996).
7  Hatsuo Ishida.Radical copolymerization of 1-vinylimidazole and methacryl-or  
   styryl-functional silane coupling agents. Journal of Polymer, 36, 535-542 (1995).
8 H. Huang, H. H. Lu, N. C. Liu. Influence of grafting formulations and extrusion
   conditions on properties of silane-grafted polypropylenes . Journal of Applied
   Polymer Science, 78, 1233-1238 (2000).
9 Wulin Qiu, Kancheng Mai, Hanmin Zeng. Effect of macromolecular coupling
agent on the property of PP /GF composites . Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, 71,1537-1542 (1999).
10 LIU Bing, ZHAO Ruof ei, HU Chun pu. Sythesis and application of ternary
copolymer St/BA/KH-570 for mica reinforced polypropylene. Journal of  
Functional polymers, 14, 257 (2001).
11  ZHANG Hong jun, ZHOU Xiao dong, HU Fu zeng. Synthesis of a block
    copolymer coupling and its effects on properties of glassfiber/epoxy composites.
    Journal of Fiber Reinforced Plastics/composites, 3, 30-33(2005).
12  FANG Xiao ping, QU Yu chun, FENG Yu peng. Reinforcement and toughenment  
   of ploypropylene. Polymeric materials science and engineering, 12, 50-53 (1996).
13  ZHOU Xiao dong, XIONG Ruohua, DAI Gan ce. Effect of block copolymer
coupling agents on the interfacial adhesion of glass fiber reinforced
polypropylene. Journal of Functional Polymers, 17, 417-420 (2004).
14  GAO Yan, ZHOU Shan hua, DONG Qing zhi. ATRP synthesis of
St/TMA/KH570 block copolymers and their application in composites. Journal
of East China University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition,  
32, 201(2006).
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
另外杂志的引用按照他的要求应该是简写吧,例如J. Mater. Chem., J. Appl. Polym. Sci。
你的参考文献里面都是全称写的,例如Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Journal of colloid and interface science。这个也需要改。
Valar morghulis.
2楼2015-09-15 17:30:21
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