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金虫 (小有名气)

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Reviewer #1给的是什么意见?

41楼2014-04-29 14:06:53
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新虫 (小有名气)

35楼: Originally posted by lvshidong at 2014-04-28 20:16:21

42楼2014-04-29 14:46:39
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新虫 (小有名气)

36楼: Originally posted by luobinluo at 2014-04-28 22:24:38
我一篇论文,被TIE、TPE等期刊据过三次,都快没信心了。后来上小木虫看有人投7次才中,又听同事说据稿5、6次才中的经历。才重新振作,最后投TCAS大修小修若干次终于收了。回过头来再看,科研之路真的很锻炼心脏,咱 ...

43楼2014-04-29 14:48:39
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新虫 (小有名气)

37楼: Originally posted by aboluo198331 at 2014-04-29 09:31:25

44楼2014-04-29 14:49:27
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新虫 (小有名气)

38楼: Originally posted by 付之文 at 2014-04-29 10:07:49

45楼2014-04-29 14:50:22
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新虫 (小有名气)

39楼: Originally posted by 云中望月 at 2014-04-29 11:34:59

哈哈,可以说 以资鼓励。。。
46楼2014-04-29 14:53:48
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新虫 (小有名气)

40楼: Originally posted by kerven at 2014-04-29 11:40:29

47楼2014-04-29 14:54:03
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新虫 (小有名气)

41楼: Originally posted by linkindc at 2014-04-29 14:06:53
Reviewer #1给的是什么意见?


Reviewer #1: Manuscript "***", which was revised for the second time, is presenting results on the study of effects of internal and external environments on the thermal comfort of residents in an office building room. The study is technically correct and the subject of the paper is suitable for the Energy Conversion and Management. The manuscript has significantly improved, but there are still some errors and needs revision. These kinds of errors indicate that the editing was not performed carefully. The copy of manuscript including track changes was very helpful to follow the changes in the editing. Although most of the writing errors were corrected in the manuscript, but the response letter has been written unprofessionally with poor English. The respected authors should know that the majority of papers published in journals, such as ECM, have been written by non-native English authors, but they present their work and communicate in professional manner.
1. Why the surnames of authors were changed from lower case (correct) to capital? Capital letters are used in specific cases, such as acronyms, not full name. Please check samples of papers in ECM journal.
In line 46/47, "etc" is incorrect (it is etc.) but unnecessary, should be removed. It is not correct to use etc. after "such as" and "for example".
How come "Nomenclature" is in the middle of Introduction section?
Hyphen was used as minus signs, which is incorrect; en dash should be used. The same is for range of numbers, as in [19-20], which should be corrected to [19-20].  
Capital letters in the subtitles also need corrections.
Indentations of the first lines of paragraphs need corrections. Again, look at a sample paper.  
Space before and after "=" and before degree C are needed.
There is multiplication sign in the MS-Word and other word processing programs; using x letter is incorrect (lines 136 and 142 of tracked-changes copy). Space is needed before and after multiplication sign. The American professor must have known these simple basic writing/editing rules.
Line 186, "table 1" should be Table 1, with regular font, not bold. Also, "Fig. 3" (and all other similar cases in the manuscript) should be regular fond, not bold. There are several other font problems, for instance in line 235 "Figs. 8 and 10".
In temperature units of "C", different font types were used. Also, degree sign is not correct; you can find it in Insert ? Symbol.
Use of italic font in Acknowledgements section is incorrect.
References format and writing need editing. Please check a sample of paper published in ECM journal.
The fonts used in Figs. 12 and 13 are not standard fonts. Temperatures were partly converted to deg. C and some are still in K; for example, in Figs. 12 and 13.
2. The Highlights are clear but there are grammar errors, such as "user behavior was stark".
3. Abstract and Conclusions sections are clear, but here might be writing errors, needs to be checked again.
4. References are recent and relevant, but the list needs to be edited and formatted based on the style of ECM journal.

The subject of manuscript is still suitable to be published in the Energy Conversion and Management but, despite two opportunities that the authors had, it needs major revision, particularly English editing.
48楼2014-04-29 14:55:48
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3楼: Originally posted by wujiul590 at 2014-04-26 15:09:30

49楼2014-04-29 15:36:19
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