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金虫 (正式写手)

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curton: 金币+6, Tomorrow is too late, if you want to learning this language, and let's start talking, listening from now! 2013-12-01 23:48:04
curton: 回帖置顶 2013-12-01 23:48:06
For many years when we stayed in school, the English-learning is just like any others course, we should pass the test and get our certificate. We never planed to deal with English as an language.  When we worked, we have to use English as a tool for communcation, we should speak it fluently. That is language, not just the work and experssion for the test.
I do agree that English is not necessary for some majors, like Chinese etc., though there were someone had been awarded their degree on Chinese in the country other than China.
But we still will failed if the purpose of learning English is to meet the demand of test or score.
Tomorrow is too late, if you want to learning this language, and let's start talking, listening from now!
61楼2013-11-16 08:53:20
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

60楼: Originally posted by Lopemann at 2013-11-16 07:25:12

Good luck then...

62楼2013-11-16 09:03:31
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

61楼: Originally posted by ali-wang at 2013-11-16 08:53:20
For many years when we stayed in school, the English-learning is just like any others course, we should pass the test and get our certificate. We never planed to deal with English as an language.  Wh ...

Yes, start from now.

63楼2013-11-16 09:04:54
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木虫 (文坛精英)

Really very helpful !
64楼2013-12-02 15:36:23
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

64楼: Originally posted by gdflly08 at 2013-12-02 15:36:23
Really very helpful !

65楼2013-12-03 11:18:11
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金虫 (小有名气)

00waterh: 金币+1, a war to our culture 2013-12-05 20:07:52
We chinese spend too much time to learn English even for a child, so that they cannot express their minds with native language smoothly! It is a tragedy! It's a war to our culture
66楼2013-12-04 10:05:10
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

66楼: Originally posted by zhao1918 at 2013-12-04 10:05:10
We chinese spend too much time to learn English even for a child, so that they cannot express their minds with native language smoothly! It is a tragedy! It's a war to our culture

I agree with you partly.

Let's defend our culture.
67楼2013-12-05 07:30:22
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