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Journal of Applied Polymer Science投稿 ,系统Accept, In Production,文章修改?
请在《Journal of Applied Polymer Science 》投过文章的各位虫友,小弟刚刚有篇文章投到这里,已经修改大修过2次,第二次审稿已经结束,这次遇到几个问题,很急。请有经验的同学帮忙帮我分析一下。投稿系统中显示
”Accept (24-Aug-2013)
In Production“,
”Dear Mr. Ding:
I am delighted to inform you that your manuscript # APP-2012-12-4262.R2 entitled "XXX" has been found to be worthy of publication in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science. If comments of the reviewer(s) who reviewed your manuscript are included at the foot of this email, please comply with any requested revisions/additions.
Please note, however, that final acceptance of your manuscript is contingent on submission of a clean, production-ready manuscript, along with tables in the proper format and figures with the correct resolution for publication.
Your most recently uploaded manuscript files are currently being examined; if adjustments are required we will contact you shortly with more details and guidance on how to upload your files.
***Once you receive our format instructions, please upload your production-ready files WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS.***
Delays in uploading production-ready files will unnecessarily delay final acceptance and publication, and might lead to eventual withdrawal of your manuscript.
COVER: We believe your images might be appropriate for use on the cover of the journal, and the paper worthy of being highlighted in this way. If you would like images from your paper, or an alternative image related to the work, to be considered for the cover, please email your layout suggestions with a short description to appmc@wiley.com. Please see our Cover FAQ at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/j ... page/Cover_FAQ.html for details on cover image preparation.
OPEN ACCESS option: if you would like to make your article freely accessible to everyone even if they do not have a subscription to the journal, which might increase usage of your research, you can order it at: https://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/onlineopen_order.asp paying the OnlineOpen fee of $3000. You can find more information on Wiley OnlineOpen initiative at http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-406241.html .
Your article cannot be published until the publisher has received the appropriate signed license agreement. Within the next few days the corresponding author will receive an email from Wiley’s Author Services system which will ask them to log in and will present them with the appropriate license for completion.
Thank you for your contribution to the Journal of Applied Polymer Science: we look forward to your continued contributions to the Journal.
Prof. Sergei Nazarenko
Executive Editor, Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Reviewer: 4
Comments to the Author
It can be accepted for publication.
Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
The m/s can be accepted in current format.
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
The rationale of substituent type and drug choice must be given on the scientific basis. All experiments shall be replicated with standard deviation expressed. The authors still require acetic acid solution to dissolve the chitosan derivative during microsphere preparation. This defeats the purpose of study. The rationale of dissolution medium choices shall be given. Data eg XRD shall be elaborated quantitatively. Any aqueus solubility test for chitosan derivative? Most observations eg changes in microsphere size upon drug loading are not discussed with investigation.“
我的问题是:(1)按照现在这个状态,Reviewer: 1还是提出了几个问题,请问我还需要修改这个文章吗?
(2)就算我想做出修改,列一个Response to Referees(点对点的回复),但是投稿系统中,我找不到将修改稿上传到按钮啊!?请看投稿系统的截图。
(3)信中,编辑提到 ”Once you receive our format instructions, please upload your production-ready files WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS,upload your production-ready files WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS。”而且编辑已经把出版要求(Journal-of-Applied-Polymer-Science-production-requirements)以附件形式发给了我,我在投稿系统中,也没有看到任何指示将出版稿上传的按钮啊?请看截图?
![Journal of Applied Polymer Science投稿 ,系统Accept, In Production,文章修改?]()
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