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[ÇóÖú] journal of applied polymer science ͶÐ޸ĸåÎÊÌâ

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No gains, no pains.



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°×¸ë8633: ½ð±Ò+1, ¡ï¡ï¡ïºÜÓаïÖú, ÊÇÒ»»ØÊ£¿ 2013-01-09 09:15:31
If you choose to resubmit your manuscript, go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/app  and login to your Author Center.  Look  for "Manuscripts with Decisions" and select "Create a Resubmission" located next to the manuscript  number.  Then, follow the steps for resubmitting your manuscript.

If you decide to submit a revised manuscript, it is mandatory that you respond in detail to each of the comments made by the reviewer(s) in the space provided. Please ensure that your response is reflected in the main text and you should use this space to document the changes you make to the original manuscript.  Please review the attached document listing the file requirements for your revision.
3Â¥2013-01-08 14:40:35
ÒÑÔÄ   »Ø¸´´ËÂ¥   ¹Ø×¢TA ¸øTA·¢ÏûÏ¢ ËÍTAºì»¨ TAµÄ»ØÌû
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4Â¥2013-01-09 09:15:46
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Ìú¸Ëľ³æ (ÖøÃûдÊÖ)

3Â¥: Originally posted by nono2009 at 2013-01-08 14:40:35
If you choose to resubmit your manuscript, go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/app  and login to your Author Center.  Look  for "Manuscripts with Decisions" and select "Create a Resu ...

5Â¥2013-01-10 09:19:39
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