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[资源] Nanoscale最新石墨烯综述:半导体石墨烯-石墨烯向半金属、半导体的转变

最新一期的Nanoscale刊发了关于石墨烯的最新综述,题目为:Semiconducting graphene: converting graphene from semimetal to semiconductor,介绍了石墨烯半导体化的研究进展。将二维石墨烯结构进行继续的量子化可以使其转变为半金属甚至半导体,伴随着的是石墨烯纳米带和石墨烯量子点的研究。本文介绍了石墨烯量子化的方法进展以及石墨烯半导体的研究进展。文章15页,引文118篇。

Interest in graphene has grown extensively in the last decade or so, because of its extraordinary physical properties, chemical tunability, and potential for various applications. However, graphene is intrinsically a semimetal with a zero bandgap, which considerably impedes its use in many applications where a suitable bandgap is required. The transformation of graphene into a semiconductor has attracted significant attention, because the presence of a sizable bandgap in graphene can vastly promote its already-fascinating potential in an even wider range of applications. Here we review major advances in the pursuit of semiconducting graphene materials. We first briefly discuss the electronic properties of graphene and some theoretical background for manipulating the band structure of graphene. We then summarize many experimental approaches proposed in recent years for producing semiconducting graphene. Despite the relatively short history of research in semiconducting graphene, the progress has been remarkable and many significant developments are highly anticipated.

[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

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