Social Science Scholarships已有1人参与
Social Science is concerned with society and human behaviors. It is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us.Generally it comprises of several disciplines like psychology, communication, economics, criminology, sociology, linguistics, cultural studies, development studies, law, political science and human geography. Through the Bachelor Degree in social science students can learn historical, cultural, political and theoretical aspects of human behavior. It enhances the skills in critical and creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, writing, analysis and research. Degree in social science can open the doors of entry-level work in a variety of fields. These may be as market analyst, social worker, continuing education, social science research assistant and policy analyst.
Social science or soft science studies the human aspects of the world. Students can also go for further study in social science by pursuing master course in various specialization fields including political science, psychology or anthropology etc.Social Science is to a great extent present into our everyday life and has a essential role in the societal growth and development. Scholarships available to pursue a degree in social science are as follows:
Scholarship Program: 2012-2013 University of Essex Social Science Research Scholarship, UK
Employer: University of Essex
Level of Study: PhD, graduate, research
Subjects: Social Science
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: The University of Essex Social Science Research Scholarship is available to support talented PhD students who are looking to study within the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty of Social Sciences is top in the UK for social science research (2008 Research Assessment Exercise). We boast an outstanding international research reputation and are home to some of the most highly-rated departments and research centres in the country. The scholarship is available to all students (Home, EU and Overseas) applying for PGR study and is made up of the following awards: Doctoral Scholarship Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Scholarship Graduate Teaching Assistantship Research Assistantship.
Scholarship Website: http://www.essex.ac.uk/studentfi ... ce_scholarship.aspx
Scholarship Program: 2012 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarships at University of Bath, UK
Employer: University of Bath
Level of Study: Master’s
Subjects: Humanities and Social Sciences
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: There are 9 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences scholarships each worth £2,000 for international fee-paying taught masters.
Scholarship Website: http://www.bath.ac.uk/study/pg/funding/taught/scholarships#
Scholarship Program: Sir Francis Hill Postgraduate Scholarship in Social Sciences and Arts, UK 2012
Employer: University of Nottingham
Level of Study: PhD research
Subjects: Social Sciences and Arts
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: This Scholarship is founded by a bequest under the will of Sir Francis Hill, Chancellor of the University, 1971 – 1978.International students are eligible to apply but funding is only at the level of HEU fees and maintenance grant. Each School may nominate one student.
Scholarship Website: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/grad ... illscholarship.aspx
Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Science at CODESRIA, 2012 Africa
Employer: Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
Level of Study: Postdoctoral
Subjects: Social Science( Responsive Forest Governance Initiative)
Country: Africa
Scholarship Description: The RFGI is a joint programme CODESRIA, the Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy (SDEP) Initiative of the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabaling responsive and accountable decentralization* to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government making.
Scholarship Website: http://graduateinstitute.ch/webd ... ll%20for%20Post.pdf
Scholarship Program: Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine Bursaries at King’s College London, 2012 UK
Employer: King’s College London
Level of Study: Masters
Subjects: Social Science, Health & Medicine, Public policy, Gerontology, Ageing
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: There is no separate application procedure. All fully completed applications received by midnight on the 31st July 2012 will be considered for the bursaries. A fully completed application means a complete online application form together with all supporting documents including personal statements, transcripts, references and IELTS certificates (where appropriate). These must have been uploaded to or received by the Postgraduate Admissions Portal by the due time and date. The successful candidate will be notified no later than 14th August.
Scholarship Website: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/fu ... ion=view&id=445
Scholarship Program: Research Position in Social Science at IWMI, 2012 Ethiopia
Employer: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social Science (Value Chain Development & Irrigation Management)
Country: Ethiopia
Scholarship Description: The goal of the LIVES Project is to “contribute to enhanced income and gender equitable wealth creation for smallholders and other value chain actors through increased and sustained market off-take of high-value livestock and irrigated crop commodities.” The purpose of the project is to “improve competitiveness, sustainability and equity in value chains for selected high-value livestock and irrigated crop commodities in target areas of four regions of Ethiopia.” This will be achieved by working alongside high caliber national partners to build capacity, provide knowledge and skills through action-oriented research.
Scholarship Website: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/About_IWMI/Vacancies/index.aspx
Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships at Copenhagen School of Social Sciences, Denmark
Employer: University of Copenhagen
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: Denmark
Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for PhD scholarships at Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Employment is to begin on 1th of September 2012. The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens up a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors. The programme includes the drafting of a PhD thesis, active participation in research networks, PhD courses, and teaching and other forms of knowledge dissemination. The PhD programme can be undertaken as a three year full-time study within the framework of the 5+3 study programme or as a four year full-time study within the framework of the 4+4 study programme.
Scholarship Website: http://www.ku.dk/english/available_positions/vip/
Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences at University of Trento, Italy
Employer: University of Trento
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: Italy
Scholarship Description: The School of Social Sciences at the University of Trento (Italy) is inviting applications for its three PhD programmes: (1) Economics & Managment (6 Scholarships) (2) Sociology & Social Research (8 Scholarships) (3) Local Development & Global Dynamics (3 Scholarships).
Scholarship Website: http://www.unitn.it/en/drss/16301/admission-and-enrolment
Scholarship Program: Research Assistant Position in Social Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012 Hong Kong
Employer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social sciences
Country: Hong Kong
Scholarship Description: The appointee will assist in conducting various kinds of social sciences research and work as a telephone poll supervisor in evenings. Appointment will initially be made on contract basis for one year commencing February 2012, renewable subject to mutual agreement. Salary will be highly competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package, including medical care.
Scholarship Website: http://www.per.cuhk.edu.hk/jvadm ... d=12/009%28737%29/3
Scholarship Program: The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences International Exchange Scholarships, Australia 2012
Employer: University of Sydney
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Subjects: Arts and Social Sciences
Country: Australia
Scholarship Description: Scholarships scheme assists arts and social science students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs with travel, insurance, living and other costs associated with studying overseas for one semester on an approved program. Each Scholarship is worth $1,000.Priority will be given to students applying for exchange places in Asia China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore.
Scholarship Website: http://sydney.edu.au/arts/downlo ... ips_Application.pdf
Scholarship Program: Social Science Master’s Scholarship for International Scholarships at the University of Southampton, UK 2012
Employer: University of Southampton
Level of Study: Master’s
Subjects: Social Science
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: The Division of Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Southampton has world-class research expertise in the field of survey methodology, statistical modelling of complex data, demographic and social policy analysis. The research at the Division was rated excellent in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Demographic research at the Division scored a Grade Point Average of 3 and was ranked third in the country and Statistics group achieved a GPA of 2.75 and was ranked second in the country. The Division has a strong focus on quantitative research methods with application to data from high, middle and low income countries.
Scholarship Website: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/ass ... ers_scholarship.pdf
Scholarship Program: MPhil Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences at St Cross College, Oxford ,UK 2012
Employer: St Cross College
Level of Study: MPhil
Subjects: Humanities and Social Sciences
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: St Cross College invites applications for this MPhil Scholarship from students who will begin studying at the University of Oxford in the academic year 2012-2013 for an MPhil degree in any of the humanities and social science disciplines. The Scholarship has the value of the annual College fee, currently £2426 per annum for 2011-2012, and is tenable for two years coterminous with college fee liability. The successful scholar will be guaranteed to have a room in College accommodation (at the standard rent) for the first year of their course.
Scholarship Website: http://www.stx.ox.ac.uk/admissio ... arship_in_the_human
Scholarship Program: OeAD Anniversary Grant in Social Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Studies, Austria 2012/13
Employer: OeAD
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social sciences, humanities and cultural studies
Country: Austria
Scholarship Description: With the OeAD anniversary grant the OeAD sets socio-political priorities and shows its commitment to internationalisation strategies. The grant is understood as an impulse and strives for the participation of other institutions and actors for funding. The OeAD anniversary grant supports non-European researchers in selected countries who deal scientifically with the democratisation process and thus contribute to the development and strengthening of the civil society.
Scholarship Website: http://www.oead.at/welcome_to_au ... ry_grant/EN/#c19034
Scholarship Program: C.R. Parekh Fellowship in Social Sciences, UK 2012
Employer: Nirman Foundation
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: The C.R. Parekh Fellow will be based at the Asia Research Centre, LSE, for a period of three months in the academic year 2012-13. The Fellow will receive a monthly subsistence allowance of up to £1,500 a month, the exact amount depending on qualifications, and will be provided with shared work space and access to research facilities at the School. The Fellow will be expected to engage in social science research broadly on the themes of Economy and Society in India.
Scholarship Website: http://www2.lse.ac.uk/asiaResear ... ships/crParekh.aspx
Scholarship Program: PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, University of Trento, Italy
Employer: University of Trento
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: Italy
Scholarship Description: The School in Social Sciences announces a public selection based on qualifications and an interview (and a multiple choice test for the programme in Sociology and Social Research), in order to rank candidates for admission to the first year of the following doctoral programmes for the academic year 2011/2012.
Scholarship Website: http://www.unitn.it/en/drss/news ... tions-20112012-open
Scholarship Program: Scholarships for PhD in Social Sciences and Humanities at the Nordic Africa Institute Centers, 2013
Employer: Nordic Africa Institute
Level of Study: Doctoral
Subjects: Social Sciences and Humanities
Country: Nordic countries
Scholarship Description: The Nordic Africa Institute, which encourages research and studies on Africa in the Nordic countries, invites applications for a couple of scholarships for a one or two months stay at the Institute to study at the Institute’s library. The scholarships cover travel expenses to and from Uppsala and include a shared office and free accommodation at Gästhem Samariten, centrally located in Uppsala.
Scholarship Website: http://www.nai.uu.se/scholarships/phd_candidates/
Scholarship Program: UNESCO-Juan Bosch Prize for Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2012
Employer: UNESCO
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social Science
Country: Latin America and the Caribbean
Scholarship Description: The UNESCO-Juan Bosch Prize was instituted by the Executive Board of UNESCO, at the initiative of the Government of the Dominican Republic, in connection with the commemoration in 2009 of the centenary of Professor Bosch’s birth. In creating the Prize, the Member States on the Executive Board recognized the remarkable contribution of Professor Juan Bosch to the study of social and political processes both in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean region. The award winners will receive a diploma and a monetary award of USD 10,000. The name of the prizewinner will be announced in August 2012.
Scholarship Website: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/soc ... s/juan-bosch-prize/
Scholarship Program: Kluge Fellowships in Humanities and Social Sciences at Library of Congress, 2012 USA
Employer: Library of Congress
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Humanities and social sciences
Country: USA
Scholarship Description: The Kluge Center especially encourages humanistic and social science research that makes use of the Library’s large and varied collections. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, or multi-lingual research is particularly welcome. Among the collections available to researchers are the world’s largest law library and outstanding multi-lingual collections of books and periodicals. Deep special collections of manuscripts, maps, music, films, recorded sound, prints and photographs are also available.
Scholarship Website: http://www.loc.gov/loc/kluge/fellowships/kluge.html
Scholarship Program: Research Assistant in Humanities or Social Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012 Hong Kong
Employer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Humanities or social sciences
Country: Hong Kong
Scholarship Description: The appointee will work on a project on heritage management in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Translation of documents from Japanese/French to Chinese or English will be required. Appointment will initially be made on contract basis for one year commencing March 2012. Monthly Salary and Fringe Benefits Salary will be highly competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package, including medical care.
Scholarship Website: http://www.per.cuhk.edu.hk/JobVa ... id/206/Default.aspx
Scholarship Program: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Social Sciences at GIGA, Germany 2012
Employer: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Level of Study: Postdoctoral
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: Germany
Scholarship Description: The reconciliation of work and family life is of great importance to the institute. The GIGA promotes gender equality and actively encourages applications from women. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration in those areas in which they are underrepresented.
Scholarship Website: http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/do ... _Postdoc_NOPOOR.pdf
Scholarship Program: Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences at University of Groningen, Netherlands 2012
Employer: University of Groningen
Level of Study: Research Master
Subjects: Behavioural and Social Sciences
Country: The Netherlands
Scholarship Description: Candidates can apply for this grant by sending a letter of motivation in which they indicate that they are in need of a grant and would like to be considered for the UGTG: Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences (partial grant).
Scholarship Website: http://www.rug.nl/prospectiveStudents/scholarships/scholarshipGMW
Scholarship Program: Kennan Institute Summer Research Scholarships in Social Sciences or Humanities, 2012 USA
Employer: Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the former Soviet Union (Title VIII) of the U.S. Department of State
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social sciences or humanities
Country: USA
Scholarship Description: Scholars who conduct research in the social sciences or humanities focusing on the former Soviet Union (excluding the Baltic States), and who demonstrate a particular need to utilize the library, archival, and other specialized resources of the Washington, D.C. area can apply for the new Summer Research Scholarships. The summer grants must be used between May-September 2012, and grant applicants are required to hold an MA degree or higher.
Scholarship Website: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/oppo ... search-scholarships
Scholarship Program: PhD Research Bursary in Social Sciences at Bangor University, UK
Employer: Bangor University
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: The School of Social Sciences is offering 1 PhD Anniversary Research Bursary. This is an excellent opportunity for a doctoral student to benefit from Bangor’s participation in the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD); The Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice(WCCSJ) and the Centre for Applied Research & Evaluation Sciences (CARES). The School is particularly interested in applications from suitably qualified and highly motivated candidates in the following areas of research:1. Policy Evaluation Research2. Communities and Social Networks3. Crime and Civic Society4. Minority Languages and Cultures.
Scholarship Website: http://www.bangor.ac.uk/scholarships/soss12.php.en
Scholarship Program: GeTMA German Turkish Masters Scholarship in Social Sciences at Germany and Turkey
Employer: DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Level of Study: Master’s
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: Turkey and Germany
Scholarship Description: GeT MA – the German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences – is a unique, interdisciplinary, two-year masters program, which offers an excellent education in Europe’s two vibrant capitals: Berlin and Ankara. GeT MA is designed for students from all over the world who aim to pursue an international career in government agencies, NGOs, administration, journalism or research. The program is taught at the Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany. GeT MA is part of the Ernst-Reuter-Initiative of the German and Turkish Foreign Ministries and is supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Scholarship Website: http://www.sowi.hu-berlin.de/studiengaenge/masowi/getma
Scholarship Program: Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies Position in Social Sciences at EUI, 2013-2014 Italy
Employer: European University Institute
Level of Study: Postdoctoral
Subjects: Social sciences
Country: Italy
Scholarship Description: The Max Weber Programme (MWP) is the largest interdisciplinary postdoctoral training programme in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe, appointing 42 international fellows each year The MWP is a unique postdoctoral programme focusing on academic practice, research and academic excellence for recent PhD graduates in Economics, History, Law and Social and Political Sciences Each Fellow is affilated to an EUI department, and provided with a mentor During the Fellowship teaching opportunities are offered both within the EUI and at local universities as well as abroad through the Teaching Exchanges The MWP offers Job Market support At the EUI Fellows are part of an international community of over 1,000 scholars from more than 60 countries.
Scholarship Website: http://www.eui.eu/ProgrammesAndF ... MWP/HowToApply.aspx
Scholarship Program: Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research in Social Science, 2012 Australia
Employer: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Social sciences
Country: Australia
Scholarship Description: Nominations for the Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research will be judged by an ad-hoc Awards Committee comprising the President, the Public Forums Committee and Chairs of the four Panels of the Academy. There is no nomination form for this Award. However, the following guidelines apply.
Scholarship Website: http://www.assa.edu.au/programs/ ... ures/nomination.php
Scholarship Program: 2012-2013 MA & PhD Bursaries for International Students in Social Sciences at Bangor University, UK
Employer: Bangor University
Level of Study: Master’s and PhD
Subjects: Social Sciences
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: The School is offering a number of bursaries for MA and PhD students in the academic year 2012-13. The value of bursaries will range from £1000 up to the full amount of UK/EU fees and will be open to UK/EU and overseas students. Bursaries will be allocated on a competitive basis.
Scholarship Website: http://www.bangor.ac.uk/so/postg ... ex.php.en#Bursaries
Scholarship Program: 2012 Visiting Scholars Program in Humanities and Social Sciences at Harvard University, USA
Employer: Harvard-Yenching Institute
Level of Study: Research
Subjects: Humanities and Social sciences
Country: USA
Scholarship Description: This program offers faculty members in the humanities and social sciences the opportunity to undertake 10 months of study and research at Harvard University. Approximately 10 to 15 applicants are chosen each year as researchers at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, with access to the Harvard University libraries and facilities. Scholars are provided with a stipend to cover living expenses while at the Institute. Applicants and university/academy administrators will be notified of selection results in mid-February, 2013.
Scholarship Website: http://www.hr.hku.hk/ann12/harvard-program.pdf
Scholarship Program: Beinecke Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences, USA 2012
Employer: Sperry and Hutchinson Company
Level of Study: Undergraduate and baccalaureate degree
Subjects: Arts, Humanities or Social sciences
Country: USA
Scholarship Description: Each year approximately 100 colleges and universities are invited to nominate a student for a Beinecke Scholarship, and 20 new scholarships will be awarded in 2013. Each school invited to participate in the Beinecke Scholarship Program is permitted to make a single nomination each year.
Scholarship Website: http://foundationcenter.org/grantmaker/beinecke/apply.html
Scholarship Program: 2012 Open Society Foundation/Durham University PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences and Humanities for Afghan Women, UK
Employer: Open Society Foundation/Durham University
Level of Study: PhD
Subjects: Social Sciences and Humanities
Country: UK
Scholarship Description: This scholarship aims to provide opportunities for independent postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for female Afghans who have demonstrated both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers in their own country. Upon completion of their studies in the UK, scholars are expected to return to their home country to pursue academic career at Kabul University. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships lead to the award of a PhD degree. Applications are welcome in the field of Law and related Social Sciences subjects (including but not limited to Human Rights, International Relations, Conflict Resolution, Human Geography), Political Sciences and Psychology.
Scholarship Website: https://www.dur.ac.uk/internatio ... holarships/osf/phd/ |