zerg_7(金币+2): 谢谢参与 2011-03-25 08:11:38
instructions to authors:
The Food Science and Biotechnology (Food Sci. Biotechnol.; FSB), an international journal published bimonthly by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST), provides results of original research on the physical, chemical, biological, and health aspects of food science and technology, and includes reviews related to food science and biotechnology. The Journal has been covered in Current Contents® and Science Citation Index Expanded® from 2003.
Manuscripts Manuscripts include original research articles, notes, and reviews. The manuscripts submitted for publication must contain no materials that violate any copyright or other personal or proprietary right of any person or entity.
Submission of Manuscript FSB FSB operates an on-line submission system. Details of how to submit online and full author instructions can be found at: http://www. kosfost.or.kr, or www.fsnb.or.kr. Papers in a series are not accepted. Membership in KoSFoST is not a prerequisite for submission of manuscript for publication.
Editorial Procedures and Peer Review All manuscripts are subject to peer review for the validity of the experimental design and results, significance, and appropriateness for the Journal. Manuscripts written by authors who are unsure of proper English usage should be checked by someone proficient in the English language before submission. Manuscripts failing to meet the standards or poorly written or formatted are editorially rejected without further review.
The author may submit the names and addresses including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of 4 potential reviewers; however, the Editor-in-Chief is not under obligation to use the listed individuals. Typically, 2 reviewers are selected.
The author is expected to respond to all reviewers' comments either by making appropriate revisions or stating why the comments are unreasonable. The Editor will consider the revisions, and recommend to the Editor-in-Chief to either accept or reject the manuscript. The author will then be informed by the Editor-in-Chief of the final decision.
During the submission process, the author may track the process of his or her manuscript at any time by logging onto the Web site. For this purpose, the author will need user ID number and password.
Copyright A properly completed 'Transfer of Copyright Form' must be provided for each submitted manuscript. The corresponding author is asked to sign it on behalf of all authors before the manuscript is published. A form is available from the Web site.
Proofs Authors will receive galley proofs via e-mail and should be returned within 48 hours. No paper is released for publication until the author's corrected proof has been received.
Page Charges A page charge is effective for all manuscripts on original research. A review is exempt from page charges, provided it is approved in advance by the Editor-in-Chief. The actual charge per printed page will be notified to the author along with the manuscript for galley proofs.
Reprints Twenty free reprints will be shipped to the corresponding author within 2 weeks after the printed journal date. For additional reprints, the authors should fill out a reprint order form and submit it to the journal office.
Instructions for Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript Format for Research Articles Manuscripts must be double-spaced with a recent version of word processor (Microsoft Word) in English (American spelling and usage). All pages must be numbered consecutively starting with the title page and including tables and figures. Lines in the abstract and text should be consecutively numbered in a separate column at the left. A standard font, in a size of 12 points, must be used. Use 2 commas in a series of 3 items (A, B, and C).
Abbreviations must not be used at first use in the text. Spell out the word(s) at first use and give the abbreviation in parentheses. Abbreviate 'equation' or 'figure' only if you are using the word with a figure number. Do not abbreviate if 'Equation' or 'Figure' begins the sentence, even if you are using the word with an equation number or a figure number. If citing more than one equation or figure, do not make the abbreviation plural (for example, 'Eq. 1 and 2' or 'Fig. 1 and 2' is correct).
The manuscript should be assembled in the following sequence:
Title and Authorship (single page)
Abstract and Keywords (single page)
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Figure Captions
Tables (one table per page)
Figures (one figure per page)
1. Title page (p. 1)
The title page should include the title, full names, institutional affiliations with mailing addresses including city name (in case of small cities), province name, postal code, country name of all authors, short version of title (less than 50 letters and spaces), and names and contact information of 4 suggested reviewers.
If the affiliations of the authors are different, authors different from the first author should be marked with superscript numeral designation.
The name of the corresponding author to whom inquiries about the paper should be addressed must be marked with an asterisk and provide the telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. If the current address of any author is different, include it in a footnote on the title page.
2. Abstract page (p. 2)
The abstract should be a clear, concise, one-paragraph summary giving what was done, how it was done, significant results, and major conclusions. Do not use such statements starting 'I~' or 'We~' or 'Results are discussed'. Abstract must be 150 words or less.
List 5 keywords for indexing purposes.
3. Introduction (starting on p. 3)
Introduction should include a brief review of pertinent work citing key references, and objectives of the work. Text that does not exceed 2 typed pages is recommended.
4. Materials and Methods
Specific experimental methods should be sufficiently detailed so the work can be repeated. New methods must be described in detail, but the accepted methods can be described briefly with references.
For special equipment, reagents, kits, etc., the source, city, state, and country should be specified in parentheses. Biological materials should be identified by the scientific name (genus, species, and if necessary, authority and family) and cultivar, if appropriate, together with the site from which the samples were obtained.
If variation within a treatment (coefficient of variation, that is, the standard deviation divided by the mean) is less than 10% and the difference among treatment means is greater than 3 standard deviations, it is not necessary to conduct a statistical analysis. If the data do not meet these criteria, statistical analysis must be conducted.
5. Results and Discussion
Present and discuss results concisely, using tables and figures, comparing with previous work. Do not present the same information in tables and figures. Avoid comparisons or contrasts that are not pertinent and avoid speculation unsupported by the data obtained. Since a separate conclusion section is not to be used, any concluding statements are to be incorporated under Results and Discussion.
Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and should be grouped at the end of the manuscript. Footnotes in tables should be given numeral designations and be cited in the table by superscript. The sequence of numerals should proceed by row. Tables with only a few values should be written into the text. Do not include data that are not discussed in the text. Round off numbers to significant digits.
Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and should be grouped at the end of the manuscript. Figures must fit one- or two-column format on the journal page. It is strongly recommended to submit illustrations in the actual size at which they should appear in the journal. One-column width is 84.0 mm; two-column width is 173 mm.
6. Acknowledgments
List sources of financial or material support and the names of individuals whose contributions were significant but not deserving of authorship.
7. References
References should be listed and numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references.
References format is described below.
8. Appendix
Complicated calculations and detailed nomenclature are listed.
Manuscript for Research NotesResearch Notes are brief reports of limited scope that contribute new knowledge. The formatting is the same as the Research Articles. It should not exceed 6 typewritten pages, excluding tables and figures. The abstract must be less than 100 words. The tables and figures are limited up to 3 in any combination.
Manuscript for Reviews The reviews are invited by the Editorial Board. Alternatively, potential authors considering the preparation of a review article should contact the Editorin-Chief to suggest the topic and outline in the form of major headings and a summary statement. FSB covers 2 types of reviews: one is a comprehensive review and the other is a mini review, which is a brief summary of developments in fast moving areas related to food science and biotechnology.
The basic format for reviews is title page, abstract, introduction, main text, and references. Summary tables and figures dealing with key points should be used liberally. Use headings and subheadings in the main text as needed.
Formatting References References should be cited only necessary publications and used primary rather than secondary references when possible.
It is acceptable to cite work that is accepted but not published with the pertinent year and volume number of the reference. Works that are 'submitted', 'unpublished', and 'personal communications' are not accepted. The Journal titles must be abbreviated according to ISI Journal Abbreviation Index.
In Text References should be cited in the text by a number in parentheses.
One reference: It was reported that (1).
Two references: It has been known that (1,5).
More than two references: .....have been reported (1,3,8 or 1-3).
One author: Kim (1) reported....
Two authors: Lee and Park (1) suggested that.....
More than two authors: Kim et al. (1) have shown that.....
In Reference section
Journal article: Author(s). Article title. Journal title.Volume number: inclusive pages. Year in parentheses.
Lee EY, Woo GJ, Park J. Separation of antimicrobial hen egg white lysozyme using ultrafiltration. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 12: 371-375 (2003) (Use issue number only if each issue begins with page 1.)
Books: Author(s) or editor(s). Title. Edition or volume. Publisher name, Place of publication. Number of cited pages or inclusive pages. Year in parentheses.
Stauffer CE. Emulsifiers. Eagan Press, St. Paul, MN, USA. pp. 25-45 (1999)
AACC. Approved Method of the AACC. 10th ed. Method 26-10. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA (2000)
AOAC. Official Method of Analysis of AOAC Intl. 16th ed. Method 991.43. Association of Official Analytical Communities, Arlington, VA, USA (1995)
SAS Institute, Inc. SAS User's Guide. Statistical Analysis Systems Institute, Cary, NC, USA (1990)
Lee SR. Hankuk eui Balhyo Sikpum (Fermented Foods of Korea). Ewha Press, Seoul, Korea. pp. 142-155 (1986)
Chapter in book: Author(s) of the chapter. Chapter title. Volume (if relevant). Inclusive pages of the chapter. In: Title of the book. Author(s) or editor(s). Publisher name, Place of publication. Year in parentheses.
Sand R. Structure and conformation of hydrocolloids. Vol. I, pp. 19-46. In: Food Hydrocolloids. Glicksman M (ed). CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, USA (1982)
Conference proceedings: Author(s). Title. Inclusive pages. In: Title of publication or conference. Inclusive dates, place of conference. Publisher name, place of publication. Year in parentheses.
Kurzer MS. Isoflavones and menopausal health. pp. 29-42. In: International Symposium on Soybean and Human Health. November 17, J. W. Marriott Hotel, Seoul, Korea. The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (2000)
Conference abstracts: Author(s) of abstract. Title of abstract (abstract number). In: Title of publication or name of conference. Inclusive dates, place of conference. Publisher, place of publication. Year in parentheses.
Kaasova J, Kadlec P, Bubnik Z, Pour V. Microwave drying of rice (abstract no. M07-1). In: Abstracts: 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. April 22-27, COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea. The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (2001)
Dissertation: Author. Title. PhD or MS thesis, Institute granting the degree, Place of institution. Year in parentheses.
Baik M. Effect of water and water migration on starch retrogradation and thermomechanical properties of bread during staling. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA (2001)
Patents: Name(s) of the inventor. Title. Name of country issuing the patent and the patent number. Year in parentheses.
Shi YC, Trzasko PT. Process for producing amylase resistant granular starch. U.S. Patent 5,593,503 (1997)
In press articles: Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Volume: in press. Year in parentheses.
Yoon HN. Sensory evaluation of kimchi using two ethnic groups. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 36: in press (2004)
Web page: Author(s). Title. Available from: URL. Accessed date.
Food and Drug Administration. Detection and quantitation of acrylamide in foods. Available from: http://cfsan. fda.gov. Accessed Dec. 27, 2003.
Units of measurement FSB uses the SI system (often referred to International Units) for most units of measurement. Some exceptions are listed below. Commonly used empirical units are permissible.
cal = calorie
kcal = kilocalorie
cm = centimeter
cp = centipoise
sec = second
min = minute
hr = hour
L = liter
g = gram
M = molar
mol = mole
N = normal
% = percent (designate w/v, v/v or w/w in lower case)
ppm = part per million
ppb = part per billion
oBx = Brix
Da = Dalton
CFU = colony forming unit
Mw = molecular weight
Aw = water activity
Never use a plural form for the symbols; 30 kgs would be incorrect. Give a space between measurement and number (for example, 25 mm) but no space between number and degree sign (for example, 25oC) and % sign (for example, 35%). The range is formatted as 0.3-0.9 g.
Copyright Information
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as -tacitly or explicitly- by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out. The author warrants that his/her contribution is original and that he/she has full power to make this grant. The author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors. Transfer of copyright to the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST) and Springer becomes effective if and when the article is accepted for publication. After submission of the Copyright Transfer Statement signed by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST) and Springer. The copyright covers the exclusive right (for U.S. government employees: to the extent transferable) to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online) or other reproductions of similar nature.
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All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article (e.g., as offprints), as well as all translation rights. No material published in this journal may be reproduced photographically or stored on microfilm, in electronic data bases, video disks, etc., without first obtaining written permission from the publishers. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply that these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regulations.
While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate at the date of its going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publishers can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. KoSFoST publishes advertisements in this journal in reliance upon the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with all legal requirements relating to the marketing and sales of products or services advertised. KoSFoST and the Editor-in-Chief are not responsible for claims made in the advertisements published in the journal. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement, implied or intended, of the product or services advertised or the claims made for them by the advertiser.
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Printing Office
The Journal is printed by Hanrimwon Publishing Co. located at 206-3 Ojang-dong, Choong-ku, Seoul 100-310, Korea. |