Dear Dr. Tiandi,
Thank you for submitting your article to the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Unfortunately, based on the reviewer comments, we regret to inform you that we are unable to publish it. Due to the high demand for space within the pages of this Journal, we must decline a large portion of the manuscripts received.
The reviewer comments are summarized below.
Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1: Recommendation: Reject.
1. The introduction part of the manuscript is very weak.
2. There are plenty of publications on the topic, which have been not acknowledged in the references of the present manuscript.
3. The authors do not show any motivation for the presented work.
4. What I am missing right away going through this work what is the qualitatively and quantitatively new knowledge that the authors are seeking.
5. Authors reported about low contact angle hysteresis and did not show any results on advancing/receding contact angles.
6. Authors discussed about nano/micro level structures of fabricated coatings, however did not present any results on the values of surface roughness parameters.
7. The explanation/discussion seems to me be not logic and not completed. Especially for this case, one should present roughness parameters values (roughness factor).
8. The terminology used by authors is not always correct. For instance, in the Part 3.2 instead of "Surface Morphous" should be "surface morphology".
9. There are many other experimental uncertainties.
In my opinion, the paper does not show any novelty, interesting discussions and suffers from many experimental and theoretical uncertainties.
This work does not satisfy the requirements and high level of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.
The English requires a throughout editing.
New physical insights or important experimental developments: Fair
Conclusions adequately supported by data: Fair
Clarity of presentation: Fair
Potential for scientific impact: Fair
Reviewer #2: This paper reported ......, which is important in the development of self-cleaning surface. I recommended it to be published on JCIS after some revision:
1.How about the stability and mechanical property of the coating film? Is it easy to peel off from the substrate? How about if we scrape it?
2.It seems from SEM images (Fig. 2) that the coating materials do not cover all the substrate, what will the water droplet change after it sitting longer on the surface? (time-dependent property)
3.The figure that shows the mechanism (Fig. 4) is too ideal. |
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