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木虫 (著名写手)

[求助] 请问编辑这个回复能看成是基本接收么?已有4人参与

Dear Dr. ***

Your manuscript, "***", has now been assessed.

Please revise the paper to include a scientific contribution statement, and include the code and data used in the stdudy in a publicly accessible repository such as Github or Bitbucket

Please ensure the results are accurately reported, any overstated conclusions are rewritten and the limitations of the work fully explained. When your revision is ready, please submit the updated manuscript and a point-by-point response. This will help us move to a swift decision.

We recommend submitting all revisions within 14 days of the corresponding author receiving a revision request email.

If you need more time, please contact us and include your submission ID.

Kind regards,
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木虫 (著名写手)

2楼: Originally posted by scarlettchen at 2024-10-27 20:37:31

3楼2024-10-27 22:14:55
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