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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Postdoctoral Position at Harvard Medical School Job Title: Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral Position at Harvard Medical School
Job Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Status: Regular Full Time
Benefits Eligible: Yes
Laboratory/Department: The laboratory of Dr. Ye Sun is in the Ophthalmology Department at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital. The research interests in the Sun Lab focus on the molecular mechanisms during the progression of eye disorders, especially the role of immune-vascular interaction and neuroinflammation in retinal angiogenesis and degeneration in vascular eye diseases.
Position Description: The NIH-funded postdoctoral position is immediately available and offers the exciting opportunity to learn cutting-edge technologies and be on the forefront of medical research. The position will involve the use of disease mouse models, Cre/loxP system, immunohistochemistry, western blotting, qRT-PCR, cloning, AAV preparation, flow cytometer, two-photon microscopy, confocal microscopy and other living imaging techniques. In addition, there will be many opportunities to collaborate with various labs both within Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, and the surrounding hospitals and research institutions. The position provides incredible opportunities to work on a translational disease model in the world renown Longwood Medical Area. Supported by a community of talented clinicians and researchers in the world's largest pediatric research center, the position will help hone research skills, critical and interdisciplinary thinking, and scientific writing.
Education: Candidates should have a PhD in immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, or biomedical sciences and previous experience with microscopy and image analysis in a biological context, i.e. immunology, neurobiology, developmental biology, molecular and cellular biology, or genetics. Preference will be given to highly motivated and focused applicants with evidence of excellent communication, scientific engagement and published papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Application Instructions: Applicants should submit a cover letter detailing their research experiences and interests, a CV, a potential start date, and the full contact information of three references to ye.sun@childrens.harvard.edu


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金虫 (小有名气)


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