研究助理(research assistant), 博士生(phd candidate), 博士后(postdoc researcher)
• 学科领域:
• 职位详情:
香港城市大学(city university of hong kong),简称城大(cityu),成立于1984年,是一所世界知名的国际化公立研究型综合大学,也是大学教育资助委员会(ugc)资助的八所高等院校之一。香港城市大学在2025年qs世界大学排名中排第62位,“机械工程”学科在2024 us news 全球大学排名中排第42位。学校坐落在香港九龙塘,校园环境优美,设施先进。学校拥有一支由国际知名学者和教授组成的教职员工队伍,致力于为学生提供卓越的教育并推动创新研究。
prof. walid daoud目前是香港城市大学机械工程学院教授,并兼任材料科学与工程学院副教授。在纳米发电机、太阳能电池、锌空气电池、锌离子电池和氧化还原液流电池的积累了丰富的研究经验。出版著作 1 部,在国际知名期刊发表超过 200篇论文,并申请了 9 个相关专利。申请人在谷歌学者的被引用 率达 9886次, h-index 为 57 ,并在“2021 年度科学影响力排 行榜中”,位列纳米科学与技术领域前 2% 的科学家。其研究曾在 nature (2004)和 science (2008)以及路透社(2014)、bbc (2015)、scmp (2017)、physics world (2021)和 pv magazine (2022)等国际媒体上报道。目前担任可穿戴电子、电子前沿的主编,以及电源进 展和工业化学与材料杂志的顾问/编辑委员会成员。
prof. daoud’s research is mainly focused on energy harvesting and storage technologies. his group is developing approaches for harvesting free or waste energy, such as light and kinetic energies. being intermittent sources, it is equally important to find storage solutions. prof. daoud has received international renown and several awards for his pioneering works on wearable energy harvesting technologies and flow batteries. his research has featured in nature (2004) and science (2008) and the international press, such as reuters (2014), bbc (2015), scmp (2017), physics world (2021), and pv magazine (2022).
our key research directions include flow batteries, ion batteries, and flexible batteries. key research theme for this position is all-solid-state electrolyte for energy storage device. thus, candidates with background of electrolyte engineering, all-solid-state electrolytes, all-solid-state lithium batteries are preferred.
• for postdoc researcher:
phd with strong background in one or more of the following areas: electrolyte engineering, all-solid-state electrolytes, all-solid-state lithium batteries, all-solid-state ion batteries.
• for phd candidate and research assistance:
bachelor’s or master’s degree with strong research motivation and enthusiasm and with background in one or more of the following areas are preferred: electrolyte engineering, all-solid-state electrolytes, all-solid-state lithium batteries, all-solid-state ion batteries.
interested candidates can contact dr xie xian ( with a cv and a cover letter describing your research experience. |