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作者 imlizheng
来源: 小木虫 650 13 举报帖子

今年恰好350周年校庆的瑞典隆德大学招收博士生,计算机(软件工程、云计算等)、网络、自动控制相关方向均可报名。瑞典博士生待遇超高,全奖学生按雇员对待,月薪约两万人民币,读四年不管毕业与否均可直接申请瑞典永居(相当于欧盟永居)。可重点关注Maria Kihl教授的方向,导师超级nice!大学所在地隆德是一个精致而精美的北欧小镇,却也是科技重镇(各大科技公司包括华为均有驻扎、欧盟巨型物理试验室MAX IV所在地)和宗教重镇(教宗方济各于宗教改革500周年的去年亲临隆德大教堂呼吁基督徒大和解)。


Phd students WASP research programLogin and apply
Faculty of Engineering (LTH)

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 42 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

LTH forms the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, with approximately 9 000 students. The research carried out at LTH is of a high international standard and we are continuously developing our teaching methods and adapting our courses to current needs.
Wallenberg Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden's largest individual engineering research program ever, and provides a platform for academic research and education on autonomous systems and software, see http://wasp-sweden.org

Lund University now offers up to seven PhD positions within the following seven research projects. In parallel, the other university partners in WASP: KTH, Chalmers, Linköping University, and Umeå University offer up to 24 PhD positions, i.e., up to 31 positions in total. You may apply to at most two of these 31 research projects. If you apply for two projects, you need to prioritize.

For general information about WASP at Lund University contact Karl-Erik Årzén (Phone: +46 (0)46 2228782, Email: karlerik@control.lth.se)


Project LU1: Efficient Learning of Dynamical Systems
Research subject Automatic Control
The project goal is to learn complex dynamical models through algorithms that trade the cost of “exploration” with the future benefits of improved system knowledge. The  project combines control theory, signal processing, machine learning and statistics.
Supervisor: Professor Bo Bernhardsson, Department of Automatic Control
Contact info: Phone +46 46 2228786, Email: bob@control.lth.se
Additional information: http://www.control.lth.se/wasp/learndynsys


Project LU2: Event-Based Information Fusion for the Self-Adaptive Cloud
Research subject Automatic Control
Successful self-adaptive resource provisioning in the cloud relies on accurate tracking of workload variations and timely detection of changes in the infrastructure. The project will develop novel, event-based estimation techniques for information fusion in cloud server systems based on Monte Carlo-based inference methods. Applicants should have a strong interest in control theory and mathematical statistics.
Supervisor: Associate Professor Anton Cervin, Department of Automatic Control
Contact info: Phone +46 46 2224475, Email: anton.cervin@control.lth.se
Additional information: http://www.control.lth.se/wasp/fusion/


Project LU3: Secure Software Update Deployment in Autonomous Systems
Research subject Electrical Engineering
The project will focus on the software update process, as a response to new vulnerabilities, for autonomous systems. This includes tools and methods for evaluation of potential vulnerabilities and methods for deploying updates, e.g., blockchain based PKIs, DoS mitigation and confidentiality protection for the deployed software.
Supervisor: Associate Professor Martin Hell, Department of Electrical and Information Technology
Contact info: Phone +46 46 2224353, Email: martin.hell@eit.lth.se
Additional information: http://www.eit.lth.se/wasp-sec


Project LU4: Design, Optimization and Control of Self-Driving Networked Systems
Research subject Electrical Engineering
Self-driving and autonomous networked system are envisioned to form the essential infrastructure for mission-critical services in various IoT and edge cloud scenarios, for example, smart cities and autonomous vehicles. The project requires excellent programming skills and interest in mathematics, telecommunications, control theory, machine learning, and system modelling.
Supervisor: Professor Maria Kihl, Department of Electrical and Information Technology,
Contact info: Phone +46 46 222 9010, Email: maria.kihl@eit.lth.se
Additional information: http://www.eit.lth.se/wasp-selfdriving/


Project LU5: Testing Autonomous Control-Based Software Systems
Research subject Automatic Control
In this project the candidate will evaluate strategies to test self-adaptive software where the adaptation layer is realized with control theory. Testing includes all aspect of the software behavior and the adaptation layer.
Supervisor: Associate Professor Martina Maggio, Department of Automatic Control
Contact info: Phone +46 46 2224785, Email: martina.maggio@control.lth.se Additional information: http://control.lth.se/wasp/testing/


Project LU6: Deep People: Learning Integrated Visual Human Sensing Models
Research subject Mathematics
The topic is to explore visual human sensing methods based on large scale deep learning techniques. We seek spatial and temporal models that integrate person localization, pose estimation, as well as action and intent recognition based on images and video data with applications in robotics, entertainment and virtual reality, among others.
Supervisor: Professor Cristian Sminchisescu, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
Contact info: Phone +46 46 222 34 98, Email: cristian.sminchisescu@math.lth.se
Additional information: http://www.maths.lth.se/people/math-csu/


Project LU7: AI Reasoning for Situation Understanding in Human-Robot Interaction
Research subject Computer Science
The project focus is situation understanding for robot systems that interact with humans in a mixed-initiative setting. Example problems include detection of ambiguities in the user behavior and assessment of unexpected and ambiguous situations. Machine learning and pattern classification techniques will be combined with reasoning mechanisms, potentially including defeasible reasoning.
Supervisor: Associate Professor Elin A. Topp, Department of Computer Science
Contact information: Phone: +46 (0)46 222 4249, Email: Elin_Anna.Topp@cs.lth.se
Additional information: http://cs.lth.se/Elin_Anna_Topp/phd-project

Work duties
The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).

Admission requirements
A person meets the general admission requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she:

has been awarded a second-cycle qualification, or
has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second cycle, or
has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Information about the specific admission requirements for the research subjects, please follow the link: http://www.lth.se/english/staff/ ... subject-curriculum/

Additional requirements:

Very good oral and written proficiency in English.
The individual projects may have additional requirements. If so, these are provided among the additional information for the particular projects.
Assessment criteria
Selection for third-cycle studies is based on the student’s potential to profit from such studies. The assessment of potential is made primarily on the basis of academic results from the first and second cycle. Special attention is paid to the following:

Knowledge and skills relevant to the thesis project and the subject of study.
An assessment of ability to work independently and to formulate and tackle research problems.
Written and oral communication skills
Other experience relevant to the third-cycle studies, e.g. professional experience.
Other assessment criteria:
The individual projects may have additional assessment criteria. If so, these are provided among the additional information for the particular projects.

Consideration will also be given to good collaborative skills, drive and independence, and how the applicant, through his or her experience and skills, is deemed to have the abilities necessary for successfully completing the third cycle programme.

Terms of employment
Only those admitted to third cycle studies may be appointed to a doctoral studentship. Third cycle studies at LTH consist of full-time studies for 4 years. A doctoral studentship is a fixed-term employment of a maximum of 5 years (including 20% departmental duties). Doctoral studentships are regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), chapter 5, 1-7 §§.

Instructions on how to apply
Applications shall be written in English and include a cover letter stating the reasons why you are interested in the position and in what way the research project corresponds to your interests and educational background. The application must also contain a CV, degree certificate or equivalent, and other documents you wish to be considered (grade transcripts, contact information for your references, letters of recommendation, etc.).  
If you apply for two projects, you need to prioritize.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.
We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.
Type of employment        Temporary position longer than 6 months
Salary        Monthly salary
Number of positions        1
Working hours        100 %
City        Lund
County        Skåne län
Country        Sweden
Reference number        PA2017/1380
Karl-Erik Årzén, +46 (0)46 2228782, Mail: karlerik@control.lth.se
Published        03.May.2017
Last application date        01.Jun.2017 11:59 PM CET 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • iamdzg


  • 科冉


  • imlizheng

    9楼: Originally posted by iamdzg at 2017-05-23 16:25:59


  • 李明霞8888


  • queryor


  • JngW

    很不错 19年的博士还招生吗

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