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出版ISSN: | 1937-8629 | |
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期刊主页网址: | http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/test20 | |
在线投稿网址: | http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jeng |
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Engineering Studies is published three times yearly by Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, beginning in 2009. Engineering Studies is an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the scholarly study of engineers and engineering. Its mission is threefold: 1. to advance critical analysis in historical, social, cultural, political, philosophical, rhetorical, and organizational studies of engineers and engineering; 2. to help build and serve diverse communities of researchers interested in engineering studies; 3. to link scholarly work in engineering studies with broader discussions and debates about engineering education, research, practice, policy, and representation. The editors of Engineering Studies are interested in papers that consider the following questions: • How does this paper enhance critical understanding of engineers or engineering? • What are the relationships among the technical and nontechnical dimensions of engineering practices, and how do these relationships change over time and from place to place? Researchers in technical communication, technical work, and engineering education research should take special note of the journal's emphasis on critical analysis. It does not publish manuscripts that seek only to improve the effectiveness of engineering education and engineering work in existing terms. |