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[资源] 分享——纳米粒子的传递(英文版)

"The Delivery of Nanoparticles" ed. by Abbass A. Hashim
ITAe | 2012 | ISBN: 9789535106159 | 551 pages | PDF | 31 MB

The book's potential was held until it was approached by the art of exploring the most advanced research in the field of nano-scale particles, preparation techniques and the way of reaching their destination. 25 reputable chapters were framed in this book and there were alienated into four altered sections; Toxic Nanoparticles, Drug Nanoparticles, Biological Activities and Nano-Technology.

Nanoparticle is a general challenge for today's technology and the near future observations of science. Nanoparticles cover mostly all types of sciences and manufacturing technologies. The properties of this particle are flying over today scientific barriers and have passed the limitations of conventional sciences. This is the reason why nanoparticles have been evaluated for the use in many fields.

Section 1 Toxic Nanoparticles
1 Silver Nanoparticles
2 In vivo Toxicity Studies of Pristine Carbon Nanotubes: A Review
3 Cytotoxicity of Tamoxifen-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
4 In-Situ Versus Post-Synthetic Stabilization of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Section 2 Drug Nanopartcles
5 The Development of Magnetic Drug Delivery and Disposition
6 Drug Nanoparticles - An Overview
7 Aptamer-Nanoparticle Bioconjugates for Drug Delivery
8 Nanoparticles Based on Modified Polysaccharides
9 Polysaccharide-Based Nanoparticles for Controlled Release Formulations
10 Electrospray Production of Nanoparticles for Drug/Nucleic Acid Delivery
11 Microbubble Therapies
12 Advanced Core-Shell Composite Nanoparticles Through Pickering Emulsion Polymerization
Section 3 Biological Activities
13 Biological Activities of Carbon Nanotubes
14 Nanoparticles and Nanostructures for Biophotonic Applications
15 Water-Soluble Single-Nano Carbon Particles: Fullerenol and Its Derivatives
16 Self-Organization and Morphological Characteristics of the Selenium Containing Nanostructures on the Base of Strong Polyacids
17 Rapid Nanoparticle Characterization
18 The Reactivity of Colloidal Inorganic Nanoparticles
Section 4 Nano-Technology
19 Platinum Fuel Cell Nanoparticle Syntheses: Effect on Morphology, Structure and Electrocatalytic Behavior
20 Characteristics of the Laser-Induced Breakdown Detection of Colloidal Nanoparticles for Determining Particle Size
21 Bulk Nanocrystalline Thermoelectrics Based on Bi-Sb-Te Solid Solution
22 Self-Assembling Siloxane Nanoparticles with Three Phases
23 One-Step Synthesis of Oval Shaped Silica/Epoxy Nanocomposite: Process, Formation Mechanism and Properties
24 Low Energy Emulsification Methods for Nanoparticles Synthesis
25 Nanoparticles in Ancient Materials: The Metallic Lustre Decorations of Medieval Ceramics分享——纳米粒子的传递(英文版)
ITAe | 2012 | ISBN: 9789535106159 | 551 pages | PDF | 31 MB

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  • 附件 1 : DeliveryNanoparticles.pdf
  • 2016-02-24 14:14:44, 31.41 M

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