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[资源] 【英美经典书籍】《Multivariate Data Analysis》(第7版)【已搜索,无重复】

【英美经典书籍】《Multivariate Data Analysis》(第7版)【已搜索,无重复】

作者:Joseph F. Hair, William C. Black, Barry J. Babin, Rolph E. Anderson
2010年,761 页,PDF 格式,11 MB。
Language: English

KEY BENEFIT: For over 30 years, this text has provided
students with the information they need to understand and apply
multivariate data analysis. Hair, et. al provides an
applications-oriented introduction to multivariate analysis for the
non-statistician. By reducing heavy statistical research into
fundamental concepts, the text explains to students how to
understand and make use of the results of specific statistical
techniques. In this seventh revision, the organization of the
chapters has been greatly simplified. New chapters have been added
on structural equations modeling, and all sections have been
updated to reflect advances in technology, capability, and
mathematical techniques.
KEY TOPICS: Preparing For a MV Analysis; Dependence
Techniques; Interdependence Techniques; Moving Beyond the Basic
MARKET:  Statistics and statistical research can
provide managers with invaluable data. This textbook teaches them
the different kinds of analysis that can be done and how to apply
the techniques in the workplace.
.【英美经典书籍】《Multivariate Data Analysis》(第7版)【已搜索,无重复】

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : Multivariate_Data_Analysis_7th_edition_2010.pdf
  • 2016-01-29 17:42:08, 11.11 M

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