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金虫 (正式写手)

[资源] washington post

https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... %3Ahomepage%2Fstory
Google is tracking students as it sells more products to schools, privacy advocates warn
In public classrooms across the country, the corporate name that is fast becoming as common as pencils and erasers is Google.
在国家的公共教室里,如铅笔橡皮般快速普通化 的企业名字就是 谷歌
More than half of K-12 laptops or tablets purchased by U.S. schools in the third quarter were Chromebooks, cheap laptops that run Google software.
超过一半的K-12笔记本或者平板电脑,由美国学校第三季度购买的 都运行的是谷歌软件
Beyond its famed Web search, the company freely offers word processing and other software to schools. In total, Google programs are used by more than 50 million students and teachers around the world, the company says.
But Google is also tracking what those students are doing on its services and using some of that information to sell targeted ads, according to a complaint filed with federal officials by a leading privacy advocacy group.
但是谷歌也正在追踪那些学生,正在使用其服务的学生,并用跟踪到的信息售卖目标广告,根据隐私保护组织提供 的投诉文件
And because of the arrangement between Google and many public schools, parents often can’t keep the company from collecting their children’s data, privacy experts say.
In some of the schools we’ve talked to parents about, there’s literally no ability to say, ‘no,’” said Nate Cardozo, a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
在一些学校,我们已经告诉家长,并无文字能力说 不, 电子前沿基金会的律师说
Google, whose parent company is called Alphabet, pushed back against the criticism, saying its education apps comply with the law. But it acknowledged it collects data about some student activities to improve its products.
谷歌的总公司被称作 Alphabet,反对这些批评,说这是教育软件符合法律。但是承认收集了学生的活动,为的是增强产品服务
We have always been firmly committed to keeping student information private and secure," Jonathan Rochelle, director of Google Apps for Education, wrote in a blog post defending its practices. Google declined to comment further.
But privacy advocates warn that many school administrators may not realize just how much information Google is collecting or how it may be used beyond providing educational services. And for some parents, the arrangement is concerning.

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