24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 第一次投SCI(IET )返回的意见是Reject with Resubmit已有7人参与

各位大虾,小弟第一次投SCI,选的IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution。审稿意见回来了,编辑结论是Reject with Resubmit,我觉得有点疑惑:
2、审稿意见最大的问题就是英语没写好(当初投稿确实有点匆忙),其中一个审稿意见还是很积极的,有“Good Paper”的评价,但也没有很多具体的修改意见呀?编辑的“requires significantly more work”是什么意思?我真不知道怎么“significantly”的改了。


Dear Mr. XX



Thank you for submitting your paper to IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. The peer review process is now complete. The referees and I feel that your paper requires significantly more work and is not acceptable for publication in its current form.  My decision is therefore to decline your paper with encouragement to submit a substantially revised paper.  I appreciate that this decision will be a disappointment, but hope that you find the referees' comments (given below) useful in improving your paper.

If, following comprehensive revision, you should choose to submit your paper again, please go to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iet-gtd. Enter the Author Centre and go to 'Manuscripts with Decisions'. Click on 'Create a Resubmission' next to the paper number and follow the instructions given.

When submitting a revised manuscript, please ensure that all points raised by the referees have been actioned, and include a detailed covering letter explaining the changes made.  Note that the revised paper will be treated as a completely new submission and sent out for a fresh round of reviewing.

Please note that you have until the 15-Nov-2015 to make improvements to your paper. If you need more time, it is important that you inform the IET office before the deadline so they may be able to grant an extension. If you are having trouble resubmitting your paper, please contact the IET office directly by replying to this email.

Yours sincerely

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

Associate Editor
Comments to Author:
(There are no comments.)

Reviewer: 1

Comments to the Author
Please check the English wording.

Reviewer: 2

Comments to the Author
Good paper but required to be made clearer to read and understood. International widely acceptable standard for symbols needs to be adopted and used: e.g.  "Z" is for impedance not inductance.
Is "Function" referring to "Equation"?
Can the authors show how there proposed method compares with the three main methods currently employed: Method 1, Method 2 and Method 3?


[ Last edited by mystupida on 2015-12-23 at 16:16 ]
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9楼2015-12-23 08:50:07
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2楼2015-08-20 22:12:42
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by nuankaikai at 2015-08-20 22:12:42

4楼2015-08-21 14:50:07
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