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木虫 (著名写手)

[资源] 数学变换和应用手册(第三版)-Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third

January 19, 2010 by CRC Press
Reference - 911 Pages


Includes new and updated chapters and appendices
Presents the contributions from internationally recognized experts
Provides new material on fractional Fourier, multidimensional discrete unity, and the Hilbert-Huang transforms

Updating the original, Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third Edition solidifies its place as the complete resource on those mathematical transforms most frequently used by engineers, scientists, and mathematicians. Highlighting the use of transforms and their properties, this latest edition of the bestseller begins with a solid introduction to signals and systems, including properties of the delta function and some classical orthogonal functions.
It then goes on to detail different transforms, including lapped, Mellin, wavelet, and Hartley varieties. Written by top experts, each chapter provides numerous examples and applications that clearly demonstrate the unique purpose and properties of each type. The material is presented in a way that makes it easy for readers from different backgrounds to familiarize themselves with the wide range of transform applications.
Revisiting transforms previously covered, this book adds information on other important ones, including:

Finite Hankel, Legendre, Jacobi, Gengenbauer, Laguerre, and Hermite
Fraction Fourier
Continuous and discrete Chirp-Fourier
Multidimensional discrete unitary
Most comparable books cover only a few of the transforms addressed here, making this text by far the most useful for anyone involved in signal processing—including electrical and communication engineers, mathematicians, and any other scientist working in this field.数学变换和应用手册(第三版)-Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third

数学变换和应用手册(第三版)-Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third-1

数学变换和应用手册(第三版)-Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third-2

数学变换和应用手册(第三版)-Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third-3

数学变换和应用手册(第三版)-Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third-4

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金虫 (正式写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐


83楼2015-12-20 21:27:16
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