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[资源] 有限元方法的入门书籍5本合集(清华大学有限元课程参考用书)

The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics
O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor and David Fox (Auth.)

The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics is the key text and reference for engineers, researchers and senior students dealing with the analysis and modeling of structures, from large civil engineering projects such as dams to aircraft structures and small engineered components.

This edition brings a thorough update and rearrangement of the book\'s content, including new chapters on:

Material constitution using representative volume elements
Differential geometry and calculus on manifolds
Background mathematics and linear shell theory
Focusing on the core knowledge, mathematical and analytical tools needed for successful structural analysis and modeling, The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics is the authoritative resource of choice for graduate level students, researchers and professional engineers.
A proven keystone reference in the library of any engineer needing to apply the finite element method to solid mechanics and structural design.
Founded by an influential pioneer in the field and updated in this seventh edition by an author team incorporating academic authority and industrial simulation experience.
Features new chapters on topics including material constitution using representative volume elements, as well as consolidated and expanded sections on rod and shell models.

A first course in finite elements
Jacob Fish, Ted Belytschko

Developed from the authors, combined total of 50 years undergraduate and graduate teaching experience, this book presents the finite element method formulated as a general-purpose numerical procedure for solving engineering problems governed by partial differential equations.  
Focusing on the formulation and application of the finite element method through the integration of finite element theory, code development, and software application, the book is both introductory and self-contained, as well as being a hands-on experience for any student.
This authoritative text on Finite Elements: Adopts a generic approach to the subject, and is not application specific In conjunction with a web-based chapter, it integrates code development, theory, and application in one book Provides an accompanying Web site that includes ABAQUS Student Edition, Matlab data and programs, and instructor resources Contains a comprehensive set of homework problems at the end of each chapter Produces a practical, meaningful course for both lecturers, planning a finite element module, and for students using the text in private study. Accompanied by a book companion website housing supplementary material that can be found at http://www.wileyeurope.com/college/Fish
A First Course in Finite Elements is the ideal practical introductory course for junior and senior undergraduate students from a variety of science and engineering disciplines.  The accompanying advanced topics at the end of each chapter also make it suitable for courses at graduate level, as well as for practitioners who need to attain or refresh their knowledge of finite elements through private study.

The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis
Thomas J. R. Hughes

This text is geared toward assisting engineering and physical science students in cultivating comprehensive skills in linear static and dynamic finite element methodology. Based on courses taught at Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology, it ranges from fundamental concepts to practical computer implementations. Additional sections touch upon the frontiers of research, making the book of potential interest to more experienced analysts and researchers working in the finite element field.In addition to its examination of numerous standard aspects of the finite element method, the volume includes many unique components, including a comprehensive presentation and analysis of algorithms of time-dependent phenomena, plus beam, plate, and shell theories derived directly from three-dimensional elasticity theory. It also contains a systematic treatment of "weak," or variational, formulations for diverse classes of initial/boundary-value problems.Directed toward students without in-depth mathematical training, the text incorporates introductory material on the mathematical theory of finite elements and many important mathematical results, making it an ideal primer for more advanced works on this subject.

Finite element procedures
Klaus-Jürgen Bathe

For courses in finite element methods, finite element analysis taught in departments of Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace, Agriculture, and Mechanics departments. Course for which this book is appropriate is usually taught to seniors or graduate students.Comprehensive -- this text explores the full range of finite element methods used in engineering practice for actual applications in computer-aided design. It provides not only an introduction to finite element methods and the commonality in the various techniques, but explores state-of-the-art methods as well -- with a focus on what are deemed to become "classical techniques" -- procedures that will be standard and authoritative for finite element analysis for years to come

Introduction to finite element methods
Felippa C.A.

This textbook presents an Introduction to the computer-based simulation of linear structures by the Finite Element Method (FEM). It assembles the "converged" lecture notes of Introduction to Finite Element Methods or IFEM. This is a core graduate course offered in the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences of the University of Colorado at Boulder.[ Last edited by hec940709 on 2015-4-14 at 20:28 ]

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