24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] 请发表在sensor letters2014年版面的作者进来,大家一起向SCI投诉,维护我们的权益。已有19人参与

各位朋友,我们2014年发表在sensor letters上的论文受到SCI检索机构的不公正对待,至今没有被SCI检索,众所周知,SCI于2014年9月份出的2013年SCI影响因子和目录还有sensor letters,也就是说还是承认sensor letters是SCI期刊,那么,sensor letters的论文都应当被sci检索。2014年11月份sensor letters被SCI剔除,但至少应检索到11月之前的论文。但是,sensor letters 至今,2014年的一篇论文都没有被SCI检索。

Dear Mr. / Miss,
Sorry for disturbing. I am an author of a paper that has just been published by The Scientific World Journal (TSWJ) in 8.29. I am aware that the TSWJ is dropped from the SCIE database in this September. However, Papers published during July to August will not be indexed by SCIE.
We have spent almost a year on this work, and we need it be indexed by SCI.
If we had known the information that the TSWJ is dropped, we would definitely not submit our paper to it. We have confidence in our work. I also think that the TSWJ has seriously reviewed our paper and has given constructive suggestions.
We sincerely hope that you could help us to re-index our paper. After all, the TSWJ is officially dropped after Sep. 14. Besides, Thomson Reuters published the latest IF on July 30, 2014. This information make the authors believe that the papers published during Jun. to Sep. by TSWJ will be indexed by SCIE. We think Thomson Reuters has the responsibility to re-index our paper.
Thanks very much and hope your reply.

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金虫 (著名写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
7楼2015-03-21 08:29:23
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