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[资源] 【英美经典书籍】《量子密度泛函理论 II》(英文)【已搜索,无重复】

【英美经典书籍】《Quantal Density Functional Theory II》【已搜索,无重复】

作者:Sahni, Viraht
2010年,445 页,PDF 格式,6 MB。
Language: English

This book is on approximation methods and applications of Quantal Density Functional Theory (QDFT), a new local effective-potential-energy theory of electronic structure. What distinguishes the theory from traditional density functional theory is that the electron correlations due to the Pauli exclusion principle, Coulomb repulsion, and the correlation contribution to the kinetic energy - the Correlation-Kinetic effects - are separately and explicitly defined. As such it is possible to study each property of interest as a function of the different electron correlations. Approximations methods based on the incorporation of different electron correlations, as well as a many-body perturbation theory within the context of QDFT, are developed. The applications are to the few-electron inhomogeneous electron gas systems in atoms and molecules, as well as to the many-electron inhomogeneity at metallic surfaces.
附:此书的封面:【英美经典书籍】《量子密度泛函理论 II》(英文)【已搜索,无重复】

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