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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 复合材料及结构的断裂与破坏(英文版)

Defects and Damage in Composite Materials and Structures
Author(s):        Rikard Benton Heslehurst
Publisher:        CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group       
City:        Boca Raton
Year:        2014       
Language:        English       
Pages:        xxviii, 177 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates

''Preface This book aims to provide a detailed description of defects and damage associated with advanced composite materials and structures. The topic of defects and damage in advanced composite materials has been discussed in many reports and articles over the past 50 years. Most of the early work during the 1970s through to the 1990s has not lost any relevance in today's technological understanding of composite materials and structures. In fact, current work in the field of defects and damage only confirms the understanding and outcomes of the earlier work to be relevant and applicable. This book has accumulated the information developed over the past decades and massaged this data and knowledge into a concise document. The author's own experience in the field of in-service activities for composite airframe maintenance and repair is added to that wealth of knowledge, with a particular thrust into the criticality of damage from a structural integrity point of view, the relevance of identifying the damage, and how to repair the defects and damage. Chapter 1 outlines the general applications of composite materials and fundamental definitions of defects and damage. Chapter 2 provides a description of the defects and damage types in composite materials and structures. This chapter categorizes the defects and damage types based on size, occurrence, and location, leading to generalization of the types of defects and damage. Chapter 3 provides guidance into the various NDI methods that can be used to find and identify''-- Read more...
Table of contents :

Content: Introduction --
Damage and Defect Description --
Finding the Nonconformity --
Failure Mechanisms --
Loss of Integrity --
Restitution and Repair --
References and Bibliography.
Abstract: ''Preface This book aims to provide a detailed description of defects and damage associated with advanced composite materials and structures. The topic of defects and damage in advanced composite materials has been discussed in many reports and articles over the past 50 years. Most of the early work during the 1970s through to the 1990s has not lost any relevance in today's technological understanding of composite materials and structures. In fact, current work in the field of defects and damage only confirms the understanding and outcomes of the earlier work to be relevant and applicable. This book has accumulated the information developed over the past decades and massaged this data and knowledge into a concise document. The author's own experience in the field of in-service activities for composite airframe maintenance and repair is added to that wealth of knowledge, with a particular thrust into the criticality of damage from a structural integrity point of view, the relevance of identifying the damage, and how to repair the defects and damage. Chapter 1 outlines the general applications of composite materials and fundamental definitions of defects and damage. Chapter 2 provides a description of the defects and damage types in composite materials and structures. This chapter categorizes the defects and damage types based on size, occurrence, and location, leading to generalization of the types of defects and damage. Chapter 3 provides guidance into the various NDI methods that can be used to find and identify''

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  • 附件 1 : Defects_and_Damage_in_Composite_Materials_and_Structures.pdf
  • 2014-12-24 12:36:46, 17.38 M

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