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[交流] Applied Materials and Research是个什么杂志?已有4人参与

一个武汉的会议约稿,说是Applied Materials and Research收录,并提供了ISSN编号,但是一直查不到Applied Materials and Research的ISSN,提供的ISSN却查到了另外一个杂志,这个是不是打马虎眼骗钱的啊?

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Advanced Materials Research




Advanced Materials Research publishes only complete volumes on given topics, proceedings and complete special topic volumes. Thus, we are not able to publish stand-alone papers.

Advanced Materials Research specializes in the very rapid publication of international conference proceedings and stand-alone volumes on topics of current interest in all areas of materials research and related topics.

Authors retain the right to publish an extended, significantly updated version in another periodical.

Indexing: Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS www.scopus.com and Ei Compendex (CPX) www.ei.org/. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com, Chemical Abstracts (CA) www.cas.org, Google and Google Scholar google.com, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science) www.isinet.com, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) www.iee.org, etc.

Publishing editor: Thomas Wohlbier, TTP USA, t.wohlbier@ttp.net


Irregular: approx. 100-150 volumes per year.
The subscription rate for  web access is EUR 1177.00 per year.
Standing order price: 20% discount off list price.

ISSN print 1022-6680 ISSN cd 1022-6680 ISSN web 1662-8985
2楼2014-09-29 10:19:01
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