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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 第一次投国外期刊,拒稿后申诉不知道怎么写,求教具体操作流程!

The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form.

However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers' comments (included below), I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript.

Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments.

Reviewers' comments:
Thank you for submitting your work to the Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies. Please see reviewer' comments as follows. The reviewer has identified another paper of yours on the similar subject but published in a different journal. I would appreciate it if you would explain to me if these two papers are related and if there is any part of the work in the current paper that was reported in your previous paper(s). In addition, please cite your previous paper(s) related to this work into the current paper. If you feel that you can adequately address the reviewers' comments (included below), please re-submit a revised manuscript. I will re-send it for reviewing.
Yi-Bing Cheng

之前投过一篇会议有涉及到相关内容,本篇文章没有提及到之前的那篇会议论文,被检测到后拒搞。但本篇论文实际上是在之前工作基础之上的深入研究,所以实质上并不是一稿多投,主编的意思好像是让我申诉之后给他合理解释后再投,由于本人第一次投国外期刊,具体流程都不太懂,在此向大家请教!如response to comments, 该怎么写?

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90楼2014-07-18 22:14:28
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