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[×ÊÔ´] Ò»±¾²»´íµÄÁ¿»¯Ê飺Ideas of Quantum Chemistry - Elsevier (Second edition)

Ideas of Quantum Chemistry  - Elsevier (Second edition)

Ideas of Quantum Chemistry shows how quantum mechanics is applied to chemistry to give it a theoretical foundation. The structure of the book (a TREE-form) emphasizes the logical relationships between various topics, facts and methods. It shows the reader which parts of the text are needed for understanding specific aspects of the subject matter. Interspersed throughout the text are short biographies of key scientists and their contributions to the development of the field. Ideas of Quantum Chemistry has both textbook and scientific reference work aspects. Like a textbook, the material is organized into digestable sections with each chapter following the same structure. It answers frequently asked questions. The most important conclusions and the essential mathematical formulae are highlighted in the text. In its reference aspects, it has a broader range than traditional quantum chemistry books and reviews virtually all of the pertinent literature. The book is as such useful both for beginners as well as for specialists in advanced topics of quantum chemistry. The book is supplemented by an appendix on the Internet: http://www.chem.uw.edu.pl/ideas/. * Presents the widest range of quantum chemical problems covered in one book * Unique structure allows material to be tailored to the specific needs of the reader * Informal language facilitates the understanding of difficult topics

Ç°¼¸ÌìÂúÊÀ½çµÄÕÒIdeas of Quantum Chemistry  - Elsevier (Second edition)×ÊÔ´£¬·¢ÏÖûµØ·½ÏÂÔØ£¬ºóÀ´Ò§ÁËÒ§ÑÀÔÚX±¦ÌÔÁËÒ»·Ýµç×Ó°æ¡£ºóÀ´·¢ÏÖµç×Ó°æ¾ÓȻûÓзâÃæºÍContents£¬ÓÚÊǽñÌìÎÒ»¨ÁË°ëÌìʱ¼äÖØиøµç×ÓÊé×öÁËÒ»ÏÂĿ¼ÊéÇ©ºÍ·âÃ棬²¢ÇÒÖØб༭ÁËÒ³ÃæÒ³Âë¡£

Ò»±¾²»´íµÄÁ¿»¯Ê飺Ideas of Quantum Chemistry  - Elsevier (Second edition)

Ò»±¾²»´íµÄÁ¿»¯Ê飺Ideas of Quantum Chemistry  - Elsevier (Second edition)-1

ÏÂÔصØÖ·£º£¨¼û¸½¼þ£©2014.5.25 ²¹É϶ÈÅ̵ØÖ·£ºhttp://pan.baidu.com/s/1hq3N1p6

[ Last edited by 404283110 on 2014-5-25 at 14:54 ]

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  • ¸½¼þ 1 : IdeasofQuantumChemistry-LucjanPiela(Secondedition).pdf
  • 2014-05-21 15:17:44, 53.45 M

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