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[资源] ★★★★★★★2014书籍超级帖九《智能聚合物及其应用》高清晰英文

书名 Smart Polymers and their Applications
作者Mar í a Rosa Aguilar and
Julio San Rom á n
(ISBN 978-0-85709-852-8) ISBN 978-0-85709-695-1 (print)
出版社 艾斯维尔
目录1 Introduction to smart polymers and their applications 1
M. R. Aguilar and J. San Rom á n, Institute of Polymer
Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC), Spain and
Networking Biomedical Research Center in Bioengineering,
Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Spain
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Types of smart polymer 2
1.3 Applications of smart polymers 4
1.4 Conclusion 7
1.5 Acknowledgments 7
1.6 References 7
Part I Types of smart polymer 13
2 Temperature-responsive polymers: properties,
synthesis and applications 15
R. Hoogenboom, Ghent University, Belgium
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Basic principles of temperature-responsive polymers in
aqueous solution 18
2.3 Key types of temperature-responsive polymers in aqueous
solution 22
2.4 Selected applications of thermoresponsive polymers 33
2.5 Conclusion 37
2.6 Future trends 37
2.7 References 37vi Contents
3 pH-responsive polymers: properties, synthesis and
applications 45
F. Reyes-Ortega, Institute of Polymer Science and
Technology (ICTP-CSIC), Spain and Networking
Biomedical Research Center in Bioengineering,
Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Spain
3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Key types and properties of pH-responsive polymers 46
3.3 Synthesis of pH-responsive polymers 56
3.4 Different methodologies for the preparation of
pH-responsive polymers 57
3.5 Different architectures of pH-responsive polymers 62
3.6 Applications 71
3.7 Conclusion 79
3.8 Future trends 80
3.9 References 81
3.10 Appendix: abbreviations 90
4 Photo-responsive polymers: properties, synthesis
and applications 93
J. Cui and A. del Campo, Max Planck Institute for Polymer
Research, Germany
4.1 Introduction 93
4.2 Chromophores and their light-induced molecular
response 94
4.3 Key types and properties of photo-responsive polymers 96
4.4 Applications 111
4.5 Conclusions and future trends 126
4.6 References 127
5 Magnetically responsive polymer gels and elastomers:
properties, synthesis and applications 134
M. Zrinyi, Semmelweis University, Hungary
5.1 Introduction 134
5.2 Preparation of magnetically responsive polymer gels and
elastomeric materials 136
5.3 Magnetic properties of fi ller-loaded polymers 144
5.4 Elastic behaviour of magnetic gels and elastomers 145★★★★★★★2014书籍超级帖九《智能聚合物及其应用》高清晰英文
Maria Rosa Aguilar, J.jpg


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