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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 这审稿人真奇葩 !!!!(一个太专业,一个太水,汗)已有8人参与

前几天审了一个稿子     无意看看其它人给稿子的意见   一看吓一跳 。
这审稿人真奇葩 !!!!(一个太专业,一个太水,汗)

“Theoretical study of the structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of XCaF3 (X = K and Rb)”
Original Submission

Reviewer 2

Reviewer Recommendation Term:  Minor Revision
Overall Reviewer Manuscript Rating:  N/A
Comments to Author:  After carefully reading the manuscript "Theoretical study of the structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of XCaF3 (X = K and Rb)", i found that the manuscript present very good results and well organized but it lack of several references which support the finding. For example in the introduction part page # 3, after the sentence " The use of first principles calculations offers one of the most powerful tools for carrying out theoretical studies of an important number of physical and chemical properties of the condensed matter with great accuracy [10, 11]."
i encourage the authors to cite these references:

J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 12648-12654
J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 1815-1821
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 2975-2980
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 68, 195107 (2003)
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 68, 125101 (2003)
Physica B 369 (2005) 243-253
J MATER SCI 41 (2006) 1927-1932
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75, 245120  (2007)
Appl. Phys. A 91, 451-457 (2008)
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 11 (2007) 33-39
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 325213
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 145209
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181 (2008) 789-795
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 12 (2009) 26-31
J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 16705-16712
J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 17219-17228
J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117, 2545−2553

At Page # 6, after the sentence " high-symmetry X, R, M and Г in the first Brillouin zone"
i encourage the authors to cite these references:
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8 (2013) 10396 - 10423
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 445 - 459
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 460 - 477

At page # 7, after the sentence " The effective charge-carrier mass is one of the main factors that determine the transport properties and electrical conductivity of a material"
i encourage the authors to cite these references:
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 975 - 989"
J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117, 15220−15231
RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 6957
RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 11967

i would like to see the revised version before i give the final decision

“Theoretical study of the structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of XCaF3 (X = K and Rb)”
Original Submission

Reviewer 4

Reviewer Recommendation Term:  Major Revision
Overall Reviewer Manuscript Rating:  65
Comments to Author:  The paper describes first-principles calculations of various properties of KCaF3 and RbCaF3 two halide perovskites.   The emphasis is on elastic constants and related properties and on dependence of band structure and optical properties on pressure. I am not sure whether the pressure properties are of particular interest for these materials, but in general knowledge about this could potentially be useful in the future. However a few points need to be corrected to make the paper publishable.
1) In the introduction the authors write" The preparation of perovskites XCaF3 (X = K and Rb) followed the procedure ….by a slow cooling of the ampoule."  This sounds as if the present authors are preparing the material which is misleading. There is no need in the introduction to give the preparation details of how others make the material. This is a theory paper after all! Recommendation: shorten this.
2) In the perovskite structure the F ions sit at the face center of the cube or (1/2, 1/2,0) , not (0.5,0,0) as stated by the authors. This is probably just a typo.
Furthermore in this section describing the crystal structure, if they give the Wyckoff site number as 1a, 1b etc. they should also give the space group.
One question I have concerning the crystal structure: in many perovskites there are phase transitions to lower symmetry by octahedron rotation, tilting, twisting and distortion… Do any of these occur for these materials? The paper focuses only on the cubic perovskite structure but is that the structure at all temperatures and in particular, since they study pressure effects, is it the preferred structure at all pressures?
3) The authors calculate the elastic constants, which is useful and various derived quantities, and seem particularly proud of the figure giving the Young's modulus as function of direction. I don't think that this is so remarkable but in any case, with respect to fig. 2, what is the meaning of the colors? I suspect it has no meaning because why would up be different from down in a cubic material. Is it just somehow the lighting in the figure? Also, I don't really think it is necessary to show it in the 3D and the 2D projected versions.  Recommendation: clarify figure caption, if meaningless, remove the color and simplify the figure by removing the 2D figures.
4) Band structure plots. The authors do not show any states below -3 eV. Somewhere below that must be the F s2 stets and possibly also K or Ca semi core states if treated as bands. It would be useful to know where these bands lie to see which states might push up the VB at certain k-points.  
5) The orange line for the Fermi level obscures the bands at the VBM. Once they state the zero  of energy is chosen at the VBM there is no need to draw the Fermi level.
Furthermore, it might be useful to give a zoom in near the VBM, to see the fine structure and to see that the VBM occurs at R rather than Gamma.  The question I have, can one understand from a tight-binding picture or otherwise why the CBM occurs at Gamma and the VBM at R?   My guess it has something to do with the relative positions of K and Ca s levels, and the fact that K sits at the corners of the BZ while
Ca sits at the center of the cube and is thus differently coordinated by F.  Recommendation: optional additional study to interpret results.
6) My guess is that the VBM at R is doubly or triply degenerate. I can't quite see but that is why I ask for a zoom in on this region of energy.  Also, in that case, one needs to perhaps look at the masses for both heavy and light hole bands. Ideally one would fit a Kohn-Luttinger type Hamiltonian in that case, instead of just giving masses in different directions. So, the information given here on masses is not complete enough to really be useful to people who would want to use this information in modeling transport.
7) In the labels in Fig. 4 does the superscript refer to VBM and subscript refer to CB or the other way around? Please specify.
The most interesting aspect here is the crossing to direct gap above a certain pressure. This must correspond to the VBM moving to the Gamma point. Can this transition be understood. What is different in the VBM at Gamma and R in terms of atomic orbital character and why does one shift different as function of pressure than the other. These are questions one could try to understand using a tight-binding model parameterization of the bands. This is an optional suggestion to the authors for additional work geared to providing understanding instead of merely results.
8) Fig. 5, Recommendation: as in the band structure expand to lower energy scale so we see other deeper bands.
9) "All these parameters increase with increasing pressure, except the decrease on C44 is weaker" is confusing. replace by ,"except C44 which slightly decreases with pressure."
10) In figure 8 give units for y-axis absorption. (in cm^-1) ?  Also for fig. 5 DOS are in states per unit cell/eV if properly normalized.  Check and provide units.
11) Typo in table 4 KCaF3 occurs twice. I suspect second on is RbCaF3.
12) Discussion of optical properties. The peaks at 10 and 15 eV must correspond to regions of parallel bands. It would be useful perhaps to plot differences between various CB and VB pairs and to plot
just joint density of states without matrix elements to identify if the structure seen in epsilon2 corresponds simply to joint DOS effects and to identify which regions in the CB or VB the parallel bands correspond to that give rise to the maxima.
The upward shift of the curves with increasing pressure is of course due to the band gap increase. I am not sure if we learn anything else from these curves. Perhaps, the peaks in eps2 can be associated with
particular high energy direct gaps at particular k-points. Then the information on how these curves change with pressure would be related to fig. 4. But as it stands it does not provide much useful insight.
13) Can the gaps be compared to experiment. It is well known that LDA/GGA underestimates gaps. Can estimates be made of the corrections?

In summary: the authors provide some results on these not so much studied materials. However, the paper does not provide much insights into the why of the results? In some sense delving into the high-pressure properties of these materials is premature if one doesn't even understand the basics of their electronic structure or the trends. Nonetheless, perhaps some of the detailed results on pressure derivatives may some day become relevant. So, my recommendation is publish after the authors fix the mistakes pointed out and consider the optional suggestions for making their paper more relevant and insightful.

[ Last edited by 416726641 on 2014-3-12 at 14:21 ]

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2楼2014-03-12 11:23:39
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

3楼2014-03-12 12:32:26
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4楼2014-03-12 12:38:58
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木虫 (正式写手)


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5楼2014-03-12 12:44:01
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新虫 (正式写手)

6楼2014-03-12 13:01:35
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

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7楼2014-03-12 13:12:56
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)


[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
8楼2014-03-12 14:18:12
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金虫 (正式写手)

不知道让引用的那些文章是不是出自同一个作者  要是同一个作者   就太水了  
9楼2014-03-12 14:27:32
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木虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

我们这口 只要丢掉 一篇比较重要的文献没 cite,直接跟你 reject
10楼2014-03-12 17:55:10
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