24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者yjzhb将赠送您 5 个金币


银虫 (小有名气)

[求助] Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society2014年3月1日之后要版面费已有3人参与

有同道中人没?最近投了篇文章到Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society杂志,告知该期刊对于国外投稿者从2014年3月1日开始要版面费了,但是文章还刚投就给我发了这么一封信,附在如下:According to the revised publication policy for the academic journals of the Korean Chemical Society, the waiver of publication charges for foreign authors will be terminated from March 1, 2014.
All the authors of papers issued from March, 2014 are expected to pay for the publication cost. When your paper is decided to be published, we will request you to pay for the page charges.
BKCS : $50 per page (Ex. 6 pages x $50 = $300)
JKCS : $40 per page (Ex. 6 pages x $40 = $240)
A per-page charge will be levied to each published paper. However, the waiver policy for those who cannot cover their charges due to no funding support will be maintained when all of the following conditions are met:
None of the authors including co-authors have any funding sources for the submitted paper to the Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society or the Journal of the Korean Chemical Society.
None of the authors are affiliated with any profit organizations or industries.
No funding source is listed in the “acknowledgement” section of the submitted paper.
If the waiver application is approved, the following statement will be added to the “acknowledgement” section of the paper:
“Publication cost of this article was supported by the Korean Chemical Society.”

Publication of your paper will be postponed until the charges are fully paid.
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木虫 (著名写手)


2楼2014-03-06 14:53:23
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木虫 (正式写手)

楼主 这个期刊好投吗 感觉? 我准备投呢也是
3楼2014-03-06 15:41:26
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木虫 (著名写手)

4楼2014-03-09 08:09:09
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木虫 (正式写手)



5楼2014-03-09 10:39:11
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


6楼2014-03-09 19:07:19
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