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木虫之王 (知名作家)

[资源] 2013年新著——药物的发现(英文版)

Drug Discovery
Edited by Hany A. El-Shemy, ISBN 978-953-51-0906-8, Hard cover, 515 pages, Publisher: InTech, Published: January 23, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 license

Natural products are a constant source of potentially active compounds for the treatment of various disorders. The Middle East and tropical regions are believed to have the richest supplies of natural products in the world. Plant derived secondary metabolites have been used by humans to treat acute infections, health disorders and chronic illness for tens of thousands of years. Only during the last 100 years have natural products been largely replaced by synthetic drugs. Estimates of 200 000 natural products in plant species have been revised upward as mass spectrometry techniques have developed. For developing countries the identification and use of endogenous medicinal plants as cures against cancers has become attractive. Books on drug discovery will play vital role in the new era of disease treatment using natural products.
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     Chapter 1  
Fruit/Vegetable-Drug Interactions: Effects on Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Drug Transporters
by Lourdes Rodríguez-Fragoso and Jorge Reyes-EsparzaChapter 2  
Anticancer Drug Discovery — From Serendipity to Rational Design
by Jolanta Natalia Latosińska and Magdalena LatosińskaChapter 3  
Drug Interactions, Pharmacogenomics and Cardiovascular Complication
by Irina Piatkov, Trudi Jones and Mark McLeanChapter 4  
Interactions with Drugs and Dietary Supplements Used For Weight Loss
by Melanie A. JordanChapter 5  
Small Molecule Screens to Identify Inhibitors of Infectious Disease
by Elizabeth Hong-Geller and Sofiya Micheva-VitevaChapter 6  
Practical Considerations of Liquid Handling Devices in Drug Discovery
by Sergio C. Chai, Asli N. Goktug, Jimmy Cui, Jonathan Low and Taosheng ChenChapter 7  
Data Analysis Approaches in High Throughput Screening
by Asli N. Goktug, Sergio C. Chai and Taosheng ChenChapter 8  
Oxidative Stress in Human Infectious Diseases – Present and Current Knowledge About Its Druggability
by Carsten Wrenger, Isolmar Schettert and Eva LiebauChapter 9  
Discovery of Selective and Potent Inhibitors of Palmitoylation
by Sonia Lobo PlaneyChapter 10  
The Antibacterial Drug Discovery
by Jie Yanling, Liang Xin and Li ZhiyuanChapter 11  
Air, Water and Soil: Resources for Drug Discovery
by Luis Jesús Villarreal-Gómez, Irma Esthela Soria-Mercado, Ana Leticia Iglesias and Graciela Lizeth Perez-GonzalezChapter 12  
Transition State Analogues of Enzymatic Reaction as Potential Drugs
by Karolina Gluza and Pawel KafarskiChapter 13  
Suppression of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines via Targeting of STAT-Responsive Genes
by Charles J. MalemudChapter 14  
Coupled Enzyme Activity and Thermal Shift Screening of the Maybridge Rule of 3 Fragment Library Against Trypanosoma brucei Choline Kinase; A Genetically Validated Drug Target
by Louise L. Major, Helen Denton and Terry K. SmithChapter 15  
Colon Cancer: Current Treatments and Preclinical Models for the Discovery and Development of New Therapies
by Samuel Constant, Song Huang, Ludovic Wiszniewski and Christophe MasChapter 16  
Applications of Snake Venom Proline-Rich Oligopeptides (Bj- PROs) in Disease Conditions Resulting from Deficient Nitric Oxide Production
by Claudiana Lameu and Henning UlrichChapter 17  
Introduction to Biochemical Pharmacology and Drug Discovery
by Gabriel Magoma


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