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木虫 (著名写手)

[资源] 2011NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY文章-纳米孔金属氧化物电极材料在超电上的应用

Title: Nanoporous metal/oxide hybrid electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors

Electrochemical supercapacitors can deliver high levels of electrical power and offer long operating lifetimes1–8, but their energy storage density is too low for many important applications. Pseudocapacitive transition-metal oxides such as MnO2 could be used to make electrodes in such supercapacitors, because they are predicted to have a high capacitance for storing electrical charge while also being inexpensive and not harmful to the environment9,10. However, the poor conductivity of MnO2 (10–5–10–6 Scm–1) limits the charge/discharge rate for high-power applications. Here, we show that hybrid structures made of nanoporous gold and nanocrystalline MnO2 have enhanced conductivity, resulting in a specific capacitance of the constituent MnO2 (∼1,145 F g–1) that is close to the theoretical value9. The nanoporous gold allows electron transport through the MnO2, and facilitates fast ion diffusion between the MnO2 and the electrolytes while also acting as a double-layer capacitor. The high specific capacitances and charge/discharge rates offered by such hybrid structures make them promising candidates as electrodes in supercapacitors, combining high-energy storage densities with high levels of power delivery.

创造性的利用多孔金与MnO2复合电极,提高MnO2的电导,实现MnO2的的比电容高达1145 F/g,接近MnO2的材料人理论值
2011nature nanotechnology-Nanoporous metaloxide hybrid electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors.pdf(3.82MB)

[ Last edited by 蒋青松 on 2013-1-6 at 15:15 ]

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