24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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铁虫 (小有名气)

[交流] reject and resubmit已有1人参与

投了一篇稿件到 earth surface processes and landforms, letter,数值模型;经过1个月的审稿,结果是reject and resubmit; 这两天心情极差,大家帮看看如果修改重投有希望否。
Professor Lane thanks you for submitting your Letter to ESEX. It is clear to him that it is a potentially interesting and very important topic, but on the basis of the two reviews and the Associate Editor recommendations, it is not yet in a form that nears being suitable for further consideration. As a result, Professor Lane has decided to reject the manuscript but to encourage you strongly to submit a new and revised version on the same topic.
This is a well-written paper on a very interesting subject.  Some of the ideas have major implications for our understanding of ******.  However, the paper submitted does not present a convincing case.  Both reviewers felt the paper was of interest.  Reviewer 2 noted that the paper did not present sufficient, and rigourous enough data to support the ideas being put forward - this may be because the ideas are at an early stage as befits a Letter to ESEX, however the case still needs to be robust.
2个审稿人;一个认为有个问题需要讲清楚,就可发表“I can only recommend the acceptance of the paper if the authors convincingly show that the differences in the distributions are not due to differences in the measurement height. If they manage to do so, then the study will be a very important contribution to the field of ******一个认为我的模型参数多,鼓励我继续做细,做严格
Unfortunately, I therefore recommend that the paper be rejected. I do encourage the authors to continue their investigation and make it more detailed and rigorous. Such a study would be of interest to the field.

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铜虫 (小有名气)

2楼2016-03-15 16:36:39
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