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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

[资源] 我很囧~ 之千万别学我(4), Computer Jouranl 的投稿<原创>(初学者必看心得)已有6人参与

我很囧~ 之千万别学我(4), Computer Jouranl 的投稿实验~ (初学者必看心得)


(** 假设论文已经写好, 准备投稿 **)
原本是想以 Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 为对象地,可是官网连续三天连不上。
所以,我改投到 Computer Journal.

现在我用的 manuscript 是在 Latex 2.9 搭配 WinEdt 5.5 UK 版环境下运行.

1) 确定 Computer Journal 的投稿地址 在 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/compj
若没有帐号,要去注册一个新的. (见 Submit a manuscript.JPG)

Submit a manuscript.JPG

2) 接着登入投稿系统
(见 Log In.JPG)

Log In.JPG

3) 登入后会见到左边是 My Manuscript, 右边是 Author Resource.
在右边点下 here 后. 就会进入正式的甜填写资料的过程。
(见 My manuscript.JPG)

My manuscript.JPG

4) 从论文名称, 摘要, 关键词....作者的信息等...
共分成 7 个阶段.
在 Reviewers 那里, 不会强制要求作者提供审稿人名单!
(见 Submit steps.JPG)

Submit steps.JPG

5) 在上传阶段, 要把 manuscript, figure 及其他的 files 全部 upload.
我的论文,有 sample.tex, anycast.eps, sample.bib
然而 Computer Journal 的参数是 comjnl.cls (模板格式) 及 compj.bst (参考文献).,
(见 Progress.JPG)


6) 上传后的结果会列出清单, 然后让作者确认, 最后要进行 pdf proof.
按下 "pdf", 就会进行 pdf proof.
(见 Step 6.JPG)

Step 6.JPG

7) 转换过程需要一下下时间, 很快。
(见 convert  PDF.JPG)

convert  PDF.JPG

8) 转换完毕, 就 Submit, 正式提交出去。
(见 failed.JPG)


在这里, 投稿系统出现一问题, 他们的系统无法将 source convert 成 pdf.
这里出现跟虫友 singulars 遇到的问题一样.
(见 20120831012927031.JPG)


相关帖见 http://muchong.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=4878869
http://muchong.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=4878946 (尤其是 24楼)

这个决不会是作者的问题, 是投稿系统出问题,
我在 http://mchelp.manuscriptcentral.com/gethelpnow/ 看一些投稿人常遇到的问题。

出版社, 回了我一封确认信,如下:

===== email start=====
Case Number: 120831-0380257

Thank you for contacting ScholarOne Technical Support. Your request has been received. This case will be evaluated and assigned to a Customer Support Representative. Depending on the severity of your issue, this may be escalated in our support queue.

If you have an urgent need please call us at +1-434-964-4100 or 888-503-1050 (US-based numbers) Monday through Friday 12:00 am (midnight) through 8:30 pm Eastern Time.

Customer Support
A Thomson Reuters Company

Original Request
Queried a submit question please.
Dear Sir/Lady,
This is Roc Liu who's author to bother you for a couple minutes.
I would like to submit my manuscript to Computer Journal by http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/compj .
However I met an error when I uploaded all files in step 6.
It still shows the tex failed to convert.
I queried the AQ&A from http://mchelp.manuscriptcentral.com/gethelpnow/
, and confirm pdftex is 1.4 version.
I capture the screen in attachement.
Can you help me for this situation please?
Kind regards,


### 其实我是想问 tex uploaded 无法转成 pdf,  但是 Sasha 叫我自己转成 pdf 后去 upload~ ###

----------时 间:2012年8月31日(星期五) 上午10:50 (UTC+0:00 伦敦、都柏林、里斯本时间)  回我的信 ----------
Case Subject:   Queried a submit question please.

Dear Rock,

Thank you for contacting ScholarOne Customer Support.

If a PDF upload is failing to convert to the PDF proof, open it in Adobe Acrobat (version 6 and above).
When the file has loaded, go to the File option in the top left corner and select Print.
The Print Options pop-up will appear with a dropdown list of printers available.
From the dropdown you need to select Adobe PDF.
Click on Print (Print to PDF is a virtual emulation device, not actually a printer).
The PDF generation may take a moment (depending on the file size).
When the file is generated, upload it. The file should convert properly and present itself in the PDF proof.

If you encounter any difficulties, please provide me with the User ID that you are using to log in an work on the manuscript in question as I was unable to locate an account associated with your name / email address. Also, please provide me with the title of the manuscript in question.

I hope this has been helpful.  
Please feel free to contact me should you have questions or need further assistance.

Kind regards,

Customer Support
ScholarOne Manuscripts
A Thomson Reuters Company

----------- 时间:2012年8月31日(星期五) 中午11:54 (UTC+0:00 伦敦、都柏林、里斯本时间) ----------

Dear Rock,

Thank you for your email.

I most sincerely apologize for the omission on my side.

I have re-checked The Computer Journal manuscript submission site and was able to locate your manuscript entitled 'Weaknesses of .....'.

I have checked -Instructions to authors- page provided by the journal and eas able to find the following information:

'...Authors should submit postscript, LaTex, PDF or Word files ...'

However, to fix the conversion issue with a LaTex formatted manuscript please follow the basic guidelines below:

1.  Always upload the main LaTeX file first, selecting the file designation of Main Document.
2.  Then, upload each file that is related to the main .TEX file and is needed for processing, selecting the file designation of TeX/LaTeX Suppl File.
3.  Be sure to upload all style sheets, reference files that are part of the document.
4.  All image files must be saved and uploaded in .EPS format in order for the file to properly format and convert.
5.  If changes are made to the main LaTeX document after all of the related files have been uploaded, all supplementary LaTeX files will have to be removed and re-uploaded.

Please be sure to flatten your EPS files before uploading.
The Flatten Image command merges all of the layers of the image into a single layer with no alpha channel. After the image is flattened, it has the same appearance it had before.

In order to flatten an image in Photoshop, please follow these steps:

1. Open the image in Photoshop
2. On your top menu click on the -Layer- dropdown menu and select -Flatten Image- option.

In addition, I would most kindly suggest that you use the -[view Tex-Processor log file]- link below your main tex file to view the log and repair your main tex file according to the errors reported in the log file (e.g. "You're missing a field name---line 13 of file sample.bib".

I hope this has been helpful.
Please feel free to contact me should you have questions or need further assistance.

Kind regards,

Customer Support
ScholarOne Manuscripts
A Thomson Reuters Company

根据 Computer journal 出版社的工作人员 Sasha 小姐的专业意见:
1) eps 这类的图档, 上传时, 千万不要选 image 那个类别, 要当做 tex supplement 这类。
2) 在 manuscript 的本文里, 参考文献,不要用 .bib 类别, 最好用简单的 \bibitem 方法就好。
我在 instruction跟 help  里没找到这个说明,幸好 Sasha 小姐提醒我。
所以,我又试了之后,可以成功进行 pdf proof这关,并且产生 draft.
(详见图 success.JPG)



===== start =====
寄件人: onbehalfof@manuscriptcentral.com
收件人: rock@qq.com
日期:         2012年9月1日上午12:04
主旨:         The Computer Journal - manuscript submitted - COMPJ-2012-08-0553
寄件人: manuscriptcentral.com

Dear rock,

This is just to inform you that we have received your paper entitled "Weaknesses of …..". Number "COMPJ-2012-08-0553" has been allocated to it, and we would be very grateful to you if you could use this number in our future correspondence.

In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact Jutta Mackwell at Jutta.Mackwell@hq.bcs.org.uk if you have any query.

Yours sincerely,
The Computer Journal Editorial Office

BCS website:

===== end =====

(详见 Submitted Manuscripts.JPG)

Submitted Manuscripts.JPG

[ Last edited by rockinuk on 2012-9-2 at 19:12 ]

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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
你的帖子都很有意思,不过说简单一点,就是别学你 - 干脆别投这个期刊算了。。。
3楼2012-08-31 13:59:17
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2楼2012-08-31 13:57:41
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金虫 (文坛精英)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
4楼2012-08-31 14:02:16
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

我是说 "别学我" , 这句话是真的!
但我可没说不要投 " Computer Journal".
Computer Journal 可是非常老,评价很高的期刊。


visitor958 大大, 你可不要刻意误导众虫友。
5楼2012-08-31 14:06:01
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