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铁虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 被拒稿啦,大家帮看看拒稿信吧,下一步怎么办?

Dear Dr. XXX:

I write you in regards to manuscript entitled "XXXXX" which you submitted to the Journal of Fish Diseases.

I am afraid that though it was a paper which I found interesting and seemed to be of good account, I am, afraid that it is not one we can publish in Journal of Fish Diseases. We are currently receiving hundreds of papers because of our high rating and so have to reject many of good standard if they are not directly in line with our subject of Fish Diseases.
I am sure that in other years your paper would have been of interest to us and I suggest that a Journal such as Journal of Fish Biology or Journal of Zoology might be appropriate.
Ron Roberts

Thank you for considering the Journal of Fish Diseases for the publication of your research. I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.

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木虫 (正式写手)

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7楼2012-07-03 08:21:59
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