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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 投PLOS one,只涉及到了细胞实验,也需要ethics statement么,帮我看看吧,谢谢了

投PLOS one后,应为同一个原因,被返回来给格式,而且是两次啊,耗了我一周时间了
Please amend your manuscript to state the origin of your cell line(s). For established cell lines, state from where/who the cell line was obtained and provide a reference to either a published paper or to a commercial source (breast cancer cell line, SK-BR-3 (line 38). If you used previously unpublished de novo cell lines, please provide details of institutional review board or ethics committee approval (including the name of the board/committee) and confirmation of written informed consent (if human cell lines) with respect to taking the samples and making the cell line. Once you have included this statement, please also amend the manuscript submission form (via Edit Submission) to include this ethics statement in the appropriate box.


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