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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 本人花了一天时间写了一篇SCI论文,免费送人,英语不佳,求鲜花已有151人参与

A few of paradoxs in cosmology

Red shift can't as the evidence of the big bang, red shift only proves that where we are in the universe is a bit in sports1-3, actually, "dark matter"does not exist, in essence , the space expansion force(SEF) make the universe to keep balance4-7.The time travel is a paradox, because the compressed time must find the balance from the 'narrow' space8,9.The theory of big bang need to modify, because the universe has been formed before the big bang, the enormous energy of the big bang is from the compressed time in singularity10-12. The paradox of the Red shift
From earth to see the distant galaxies,the farther away have the faster speed,the phenomenon is the Red shift,that is the basis of big bang theory1. But, the range of human observations is just in small scale in the universe,we can build horizon such a model: the universe is a spherical, we divide it into several average parts, every part similar to a point. We can observe only in this area, any of the two objects in this point(no matter how far they apart),assuming in universe there is a center, so if two objects contraction at the same time as the cause of gravity to the center of the universe , they observed each other is far away more and more, this is the paradox of the red shift phenomenon.So, red shift can't as the evidence of the big bang, red shift only proves that where we are in the universe is a bit in sports, may be expansion, also may be shrinking, and may be attracted by just other celestial bodies which can't be observation2-3.
The Paradox of the Dark energy
Cosmic expansion can not use gravity to explain, so scientists assumed that the concept of the dark energy. The assumption that the universe was expanding(the expansion of the first is one-sided, thus the concept of dark energy has no important significance).To deny dark energy, should know the concept of space, the traditional sense of space, it is based on the foundation of the material world, but, the space we focus on is a 'narrow' space, it is not allowed to occupied by the material, we shall call it: 'narrow' space, is not absolute space and the etheric space. If material occupy the 'narrow' space, the 'narrow' space can produce a kind of force, we are temporarily called it: space expansion force(SEF), when material more dense, this kind of force can against gravitation, dense matter occupy the space, the greater the volume of the bigger the SEF. So, the formation of the universe, the singularity is a material fully occupy space model (dense matter occupy the space of 99.99%), the space is the great extruding, generating the explosion. Specifically, the explosion, the biggest characteristic is to have two important steps in this moment to complete: 1 is the traditional theory of the substance of the universe explosion forming process, and 2 is the SEF to make the space achieve to the universal gravitation balance in short time, it is slightly less than the size of the today's universe4.By the earth for example, of course, the earth is in the universe is a small objects, so we calculate SEF is not obvious: the earth to its density takes up the 'narrow' space, the 'narrow' space produces SEF to the expansion of the earth, with their own gravity balance, so that the earth itself will not collapse, this explanation is more suitable for large body, the center of the galaxy:black hole.
If introducing the concept of time, the problem becomes more interesting.SEF drive the rapid expansion in the big bang in the early space, at this time, expansion rate is faster than the speed of light, but according to the theory of relativity , the speed of light can't go beyond, so SEF drive space expands,and drive the light at the same time (attention please: the time here was difference from the concept of time in our cognitive, because there was no time to discuss), the time is compressed in the big bang, it's compliance in theory of relativity. So, the earth's SEF actually is relying on throughout the universe, if under the effect of external force, compress the earth to acme, the earth is produced explosion can influence the edge of the universe, because the space is to have the oneness5-6.
The big bang theory think that the space was creatived in the big bang moment, so the space is not used for material. There is no free lunch, we occupy the space of the universe, must pay the price, so gravity and SEF equilibrium is the balance of the celestial balance key. And all of the high density objects, will eventually recover this balance, SEF is the so-called "dark matter".
A huge bodies in space, take the part of the universe, then in time will be the exclusive, so, it's time to relative to the earth had very slowly. So, we know the produced of energy by time compressed is huge,the production of SEF is due to time delay. It can be concluded that, if the universe is big explosions produce, then SEF to infinite, also concluded that the time was highly compressed, the space has generated to the today's universe similar size. This may explain the energy origin of expansion of the universe7.
The paradox of time travel
The big bang theory is correct, it must be evidence of all the evidence, if introducing the concept of time, SEF theory can more actual. The big bang produced the time,complete the expansion of the universe, need this process carrier—time , time is not better to be understand, because the structure of human brain suitable for analysis the three dimensions of space, in fact time and the universe is one thing, the universe is a space concept, in space we can free shuttle, but the space here is refers to the distance, we have to discuss it is the 'narrow' space, it's like the time, in the human seems irreversible. To discuss the universe or large scale physics, because we all stood in the relative space's point of view, because human are more interested in cognitive world or something easy to know, but relatively difficult to explain the process of forming the universe, so the theory is relative theory, including the concept of SEF.
Dr Hawking the worm hole theory gives us a very good daydream space, in science fantasy, travel time in accordance with the idea may be able to achieve. But Hawking oversight a bit, the time and space is oneness.The time travel we say about is not consider the problem of time temporary, from London to New York, the change in space and time, which is easy to understand, but the space in here is just distance, the 'narrow' space had not changed much, because this process material for space rejection and push for time is very small. When the enormous celestial bodies do movement, time and space change can come out now, enormous celestial bodies accelerated motion, time will squeeze, so when we looking at the earth from a celestial body which is one million times more than the Milky Way, the people in earth will quickly grow old, time passed very quickly. However, when we are there for a day, the time in earth for hundreds of years, we want to go back to see our posterity, will find that, when we left the big objects, will quickly grow older, because of the compressed time must find the balance from the 'narrow' space.This force can not be changed, it's a balance of the universe. Of course, the reason that we can see our future generations, it is a hypothesis, because when light leave the big objects, light on the time also will be changed according to the theory of relativity, understand this change has no meaning, so time travel hypothesis is no significance8-9.
New understanding of the theory of relativity
Is the SEF only force from the space compression created? What is the force from compression of the time? Are the two kinds of force as the same? Einstein's cosmological constant modify the change which from material occupy the space and cause space deformation, but people did not understand the importance of this constant, even Einstein also not actually realized the material and the relationship between real space. Hypothesis space and time are the same, but they can be apart, then creating these two kinds of force is different, the space is at least 3 dimensional, our understanding of time is usually 1 dimension, because of previous scientists often put the time as a coordinate add to the space coordinates, formed 4 dimensional. But please note, if time is 1 dimensional, it can't be compressed, time is compressed means that the compression of space, so, time is at least 2 dimensional10-12.
If the big bang in the singularity is infinite time, the time is compressed, so if the compressed light in the singularity went 1 unit (this unit is infinite small unit) in 1 year, outside the singularity went 1 light year, the speed of light is constant, so the time has changed, according to the E = mC2, take two kinds of the time into the formula, we found that: go the same 1 unit distance, the energy outside the singularity has tens of thousands of times than sinside the singularity. This suggests that a problem, time is compressed is wrong. The reasonable explanation is: the time inside the singularity had been elongationed infinitely , also can say, time is compressed, we quickly old, and never become young.
Here we show, the universe has been formed before the big bang, but just the formation of 'narrow' space, the compressed time produced enormous energy in singularity, the next was the big bang.
1.Hubble, E.A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 15 (3): 168–73(1929).
2.Riess A. G., et al., Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant, Astron. J., 116, 1009 (1998).
3.Reboul, H. J. Untrivial redshifts: a bibliographical catalogue,Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 45,129-144(1981).
4.Boughn S., Crittenden R., A correlation between the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure in the Universe, Nature, 427, 45 (2004).
5.Clowe D, Bradac M; Gonzalez A H et al. A direct empirical proof of the existence of dark matter . Astrophys J Lett. 648: L109-L113(2006).
6.Turner, M.S.; Huterer, D. Cosmic Acceleration, Dark Energy and Fundamental Physics,2007,JPSJ 76, 1015(2007).
7.Albrecht A., et al., Report of the Dark Energy Task Force, ArXiv e-prints, astroph/0609591 (2006).
8.S.W. Hawking,The measure of the universe. AIP Conf.Proc.957:79-84(2007).
9.S.W. Hawking, R.K. Sachs, Causally continuous space-times. Commun. Math.Phys. 35:287-296(1974).
10.Einstein, Albert, Über das Relativitätsprinzip und die aus demselben gezogene Folgerungen, Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik. 4: 411(1907).
11.Einstein,Albert, Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 142(1917).
12.Guth, A.H.The Inflationary Universe: Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins. Vintage Books. ISBN 978-0099959502(1998).

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木虫 (正式写手)

4楼2011-10-02 18:28:28
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2楼2011-10-02 17:37:57
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至尊木虫 (职业作家)



I totally have no idea。。。
3楼2011-10-02 18:06:42
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

5楼2011-10-02 18:28:53
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6楼2011-10-02 18:32:01
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


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cxksama(金币+1): 鼓励交流 2011-10-05 17:35:54
4楼: Originally posted by doniao at 2011-10-02 18:28:28:

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