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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


[交流] 文章杯具,教训供参考已有5人参与


Review: The paper describes a relatively simple route for making BiFeO3 powders. This appears promising but in the current context of high submission rates we regret that we are unable to accept papers reporting the production of powders without either demonstrations that the powders are viable precursors to dense ceramics, this being the main interest of the Journal, or some other aspect of the powder relevant to bulk ceramics. The current submission is a good paper about the production of a powder but the focus of the Journal is mainly on the subsequent stages of consolidation, sintering, microstructure etc. The current submission might be more suitable for a physical or inorganic chemistry journal. Although this Journal has accepted papers on powders in the past, the submission rate has more than doubles in the last few years and this has forced us to narrow the scope of the Journal.

Of course, the methodology used is entirely appropriate to the aims of the investigation and no criticism is implied. It does, however, position the paper outside the main area of interest of the Journal.

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荣誉版主 (文坛精英)


2楼2011-05-02 20:25:55
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金虫 (正式写手)

太多人提交BiFeO3 powders 的文章,而LZ文章与其杂志主题不太配
3楼2011-05-02 21:30:49
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铁虫 (小有名气)

Originally posted by 白衣 at 2011-05-02 19:11:23:
不抛弃,不放弃。继续找 ...

请问您投的文章再送外审的时候显示什么状态!!我的一篇文章投到欧陶已经半个月了。一直显示with editor!!
4楼2011-05-02 22:00:50
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金虫 (著名写手)

432477楼: Originally posted by Super野鹤 at 2011-05-02 22:00:50
请问您投的文章再送外审的时候显示什么状态!!我的一篇文章投到欧陶已经半个月了。一直显示with editor!!...

我的也一样啊 头痛啊
5楼2012-06-06 16:49:01
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金虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
Review: The work is fine but in the current context of high submission rates it is regretted that the paper is too far from the Journal's focus on novel generic science concerning the relationships between processing, microstructure and properties of polycrystalline ceramics consolidated at high temperature and is therefore outside the scope of the Journal.  The current submission is a good paper about the production of powders but the focus of the Journal is mainly on the subsequent stages of consolidation, sintering, microstructural development and properties of the pigments as used in the resulting bulk ceramics or glaze. Although the use of pigments in the glaze is demonstrated, there is no microstructural analysis to show the morphology of the particles in the glaze and their distribution, both at the microscale and the macroscale.  Of course, the methodology used is entirely appropriate to the aims of the investigation and no criticism is implied. It does, however, position the paper outside the main area of interest of the Journal.
6楼2018-07-08 21:27:27
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