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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 【Discussion】About Grammatical and Writing Mistakes in English Cafe

I should appreciate the pure English atmosphere,
but there is something to be mentioned.
Grammatical and writing mistakes in English Cafe are very common,
then there should be a way to improve the condition for better use!
and then it comes to how to correct all these errors,
or,you reckon,just let it go!
In my humble opinion,it is time for us to discuss it!
Mistakes in English Cafe be corrected or let it go!
if correction is necessary,and how?

[ Last edited by zjdaniel on 2011-2-28 at 07:54 ]

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金虫 (小有名气)

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fangye0413(金币+3): very nice,welcome here~ 2011-02-14 09:01:47
curton: 回帖置顶 2013-12-01 23:49:23
Academic writing for journal papers needs formal English without any grammar errors, but the English used here is more like an oral one. So, I think the primary aim of we typing words here is communication without misunderstanding, then based on this, we could pay more attention to the English we used from the perspective of grammar. The enthusiasm of people would otherwise be impaired. And also, the mixup of formal and informal English would lead to the improper application in our work and research.
13楼2011-02-13 11:11:49
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金虫 (正式写手)

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lppv(金币+5, ESEPI+1): good suggestion, now, I understand you totally. just before reading this, I was a little confused about what you are doing.that is really a way to avoid mistakes as far as possible and does not make the writers embarrassed. 2011-04-27 16:28:29
curton: 回帖置顶 2013-12-01 23:50:08
Originally posted by zjdaniel at 2011-02-11 17:10:15:
I should appreciate the pure English atmosphere,
but there is something to be mentioned.
Grammatical and writing mistakes in English Cafe are very common,
then there should be a way t ...

Basically, I agree with correcting the errors.
But it's really too complicated to operate,cause those who come here for relaxation will feel pressed and embarrassed.
Also, too many public correctings will make beginers hard to speak more.
There are, me for example, still many worms for updating there skills and abilities that don't like to be misled to the wrong usage of English,so I guess correcting is still necessary.
How about this: we, not only those moderators, are all responsible,no superior or inferior, at the correcting thing. But we should use a more underground way, by short messages,to tell the writer himself and the moderator. And he who had made this mistake will be responsible to correct the post at once.If not, the informed moderator can correct it to avoid misleadings,for example, in 24hrs.
Any post that is corrected or audited should be marked as "verified" or some to clarify.
I'm sure this will be a lot of work for the moderators, but that's for all of our worms' better English practice atmsphere. And I'd like to be the very first volunteer to do this correcting~
52楼2011-04-25 16:05:27
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新虫 (初入文坛)

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curton: 金币+6, i can't agree with you any more.this is my only thought 2013-12-01 23:51:12
curton: 回帖置顶 2013-12-01 23:51:14
in my review, i think we do not have to care about grammar mistake in oral english. in the daily life, if you talk with a american native speaker, you put much attention to revise your oral output, i guess he/she will be losing patient gradually. just use the simple way to express your essential part. that is enough and effective.

but in the writing, i think we have to pay more attention to aviod mistake as many as possible. how to eliminate your writing mistakes,
the most important way which i prefer is to read more news and papers. i usually read a lot, but due to the busy work, i only have a few minutes to practise. i will adjust my workload and put some time aside to practise my writing seriously.

that is my own idea!
83楼2012-11-14 14:16:40
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新虫 (初入文坛)

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curton: 金币+4, I agree with your opinion. 2013-12-01 23:51:34
curton: 回帖置顶 2013-12-01 23:51:36
There are also plenty of grammatical mistakes in your post. I think the reasons why many students make so many simple mistakes are twofold: first they do not read genuine English writing, and second the way they make sense of the structure of the English language is strongly influenced by their mother tongue Chinese. My recommendation is to read more The Economist and Financial Times. British English is a very good model for learning good English than American English. Many American English sentence structures and dictions tend to be very clumsy.
86楼2013-10-14 14:45:38
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木虫 (正式写手)

xia_chong(金币+1): Welcome to English Cafe! 2011-05-01 09:41:47
i can't agree  with you any more.
53楼2011-04-26 20:55:32
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2楼2011-02-11 17:10:30
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

No gains, no pains.


This will be a good discussion.

[ Last edited by nono2009 on 2011-2-11 at 17:13 ]
3楼2011-02-11 17:12:40
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木虫 (职业作家)

三更雨~(金币+1): Good answer~~ 2011-02-12 20:53:21
i have already write a post to appeal everyone to correct the question~
but it seems that the force is not power enough~
i want to be a happy butterfly~~
4楼2011-02-11 17:31:01
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金虫 (小有名气)

Originally posted by 兰蝴蝶 at 2011-02-11 17:31:01:
i have already write a post to appeal everyone to correct the question~
but it seems that the force is not power enough~

here comes correction!
I have already written a post to appeal to everyone to correct mistakes......powerful enough....

[ Last edited by zjdaniel on 2011-2-11 at 17:37 ]
5楼2011-02-11 17:36:20
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木虫 (职业作家)

Originally posted by zjdaniel at 2011-02-11 17:36:20:

here comes correction!
I have already written a post to appeal to everyone..........powerful enough....

thank you~~
i want to be a happy butterfly~~
6楼2011-02-11 17:37:23
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


let it go~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7楼2011-02-11 19:15:33
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木虫 (文坛精英)

   I am good at chinglish
8楼2011-02-11 19:33:11
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金虫 (小有名气)

Originally posted by poyoro at 2011-02-11 19:33:11:
   I am good at chinglish

we can call it Sinicized
9楼2011-02-12 07:53:18
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木虫 (小有名气)

三更雨~(金币+1): In fact we also want to improve our English... 2011-02-12 20:54:31
just let it go.
privately , i think that english is just a tool for communication. understanding
and being  understanded are key targets. so, corrections would make no sense, if u can just express yourself by a few "china-english".
10楼2011-02-12 15:46:49
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